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Resource Type: Article

Why is hip reconstruction surgery necessary? Children who have difficulty standing and walking are at increased risk of hip problems. The hip joint is made up of a ball and a socket. Reduced standing and walking can lead to the shape of the hip developing differently increasing the risk of the ball...

Resource Type: Article

View: 2081

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises and advice the therapist went through with you whilst in hospital. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. Some discomfort may be noted whilst doing these exercises after surgery. If pain is limiting doing the exercises,...

Resource Type: Article

View: 2854

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your physiotherapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may still have a bit of pain or discomfort doing these after your surgery or injury. If the pain limits your ability to do your...

Resource Type: Article

View: 598

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your physiotherapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may still have a bit of pain or discomfort doing these after your surgery or injury. If the pain limits your ability to do your...

Resource Type: Article

View: 798

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Resource Type: Article

Will occupational therapy and physiotherapy be involved in my child’s treatment? After admission to the Burns Unit, your child will be assessed by the therapy team for any further treatment needs. Your child will usually be seen during their appointments for dressing changes or in their cubicle...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1080

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Resource Type: Article

Before your operation Keep yourself as active and as strong as you can. Carry on doing your normal sports, walking and activities, unless you have been told not to by your doctor or physiotherapist. Talk with your parents and carers to see what every day activities you will need help with at home...

Resource Type: Article

View: 924

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Resource Type: Article

The most common causes of burns in children under 5 years old include: scalds from hot drinks and bath water hobs radiators hair straighteners irons In 5 to 16 year olds, flame burns are the most common. These are often from playing near fires or with flammable substances. Keeping children safe Your...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1304

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Resource Type: Article

This resource is intended to provide you with information about growing pains. What are growing pains? Growing pains are pains, discomfort or aches that your child may complain of which occur mainly in the legs at night. They are mostly seen in children of the primary school age group. They are very...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1507

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Resource Type: Article

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis and physical activity Our aim is to support all our children and young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) to enable them to regularly take part in physical activity. This may be PE (physical education) or extracurricular sport and includes contact sport. We...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1472

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been made to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may feel some discomfort while doing these exercises after your surgery or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises, then...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1975

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been made to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may feel some discomfort while doing these exercises after your surgery or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises, then...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1565

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practised with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You might feel some discomfort whilst doing these exercises after your surgery or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1673

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. Some discomfort may be felt whilst doing these exercises after your surgery or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises,...

Resource Type: Article

View: 2467

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may have some discomfort while doing these exercises after your surgery. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises, then...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1278

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been made to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may feel some discomfort while doing these exercises after your surgery or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises, then...

Resource Type: Article

View: 5885

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practised with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may feel some discomfort whilst doing these exercises after your surgery or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises,...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1360

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Resource Type: Article

This resource has been designed to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practiced with you. The exercises should be done slowly and smoothly. You may have some discomfort while doing these exercises after your surgery. If pain limits your ability to do your exercises, then...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1375

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Resource Type: Article

You will be reviewed by your consultant at approximately 8 weeks after your scoliosis surgery. At this appointment, the range of movement and posture of your spine will be checked. If you are struggling with feelings of stiffness or your consultant thinks your movement or posture could be improved,...

Resource Type: Article

View: 2362

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Resource Type: Article

What is idiopathic toe walking? Idiopathic toe walking is a condition where a child walks on their tip toes with no underlying bone, muscle or joint abnormality. ‘Idiopathic’ means that there is no clear cause. Why does my child walk on their tip toes? There are usually 2 main reasons....

Resource Type: Article

View: 5489

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Resource Type: Article

What is a pars defect? Pars defect is usually a small hairline crack on part of the spine called the ‘pars interarticularis’. This can remain stable and give no symptoms at all. Sometimes, it will cause the bone to gradually slip forward over the ‘sacral vertebrae’. This is...

Resource Type: Article

View: 3568

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Resource Type: Article

Therapy exercises This material has been designed to help you remember the exercises your therapist taught and practised with you. The exercises should be done slowly. Some discomfort may be noted whilst doing these exercises after your operation or injury. If pain limits your ability to do your...

Resource Type: Article

View: 2458

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Resource Type: Article

Introduction After an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture it is especially important that you regain the strength in your leg before any reconstructive surgery. What follows is an exercise program or ‘pre-habilitation’. Regaining the strength and movement in your knee before surgery will...

Resource Type: Article

View: 9521

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Resource Type: Article

What are fine motor skills? Fine motor co-ordination involves the ability to control the small muscles of the body, in particular the hands. Children with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) often have very hypermobile hands (bendy with a weak grip). They may find fine motor activities more difficult than...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1513

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Resource Type: Article

You have been provided with a wedge cushion to improve your posture and help ease aches and pains. Posture wedge cushions help relieve pressure on your back by altering your posture. They are designed to be used on standard chairs at both home and school. How do I use the cushion? The anterior wedge...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1498

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Showing 25-48 of 81 results


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