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Eating and feeding behaviours

Why have I been sent this information?

Your child is waiting to be seen for a community paediatric appointment.

This resource has been sent to support you to think about your child’s current needs and how you can support them going forward. Thank you for completing the survey which has identified that eating and feeding is an area that requires support for you and your child.

Having a child who needs additional support in one or more areas is challenging, it takes up time and energy and it can be hard to know what to do and we want to support you to identify the best resources for your child.

Who are these resources for?

These resources are for children who are physically healthy and growing, if you are worried that your child’s health is impacted by their eating challenges then you should speak to your GP for further advice about this.

What does this resource mean?

This resource has been created to help find out what resources are available. It should also help you to think about what strategies or changes you need to make as a family to support your child.

What do I do now?

  • Think about what life is like for your child now, using the questions below to help you.
  • Look at the information and the resources available and think which might be useful for you to look at it in more detail later.
  • Think about what your goals are for your child, it might be useful to write them down, or record them as a voice note.
  • Speak to family and friends so they can support you.

Making changes can take time and can be hard work so take time to look after yourself. Keep in mind that it might take a while but you are working towards a goal which will be positive for your child and the wider family. Starting to think about what your child needs and how you will support them is the first step.

Questions to ask

You can write out your answers to these below, or save these as voicenotes or WhatsApp audio messages.

What does a typical day of eating look like for my child?

Consider what they eat, when they eat, and who they eat with.

What are the good things about my child’s current eating?

What do they enjoy about eating, food choices, positive interactions about food? Consider their experience of eating.

What are the things I am worried about?

Consider why you are worried, why is it causing difficulty at home?

What do you hope that my child’s eating could look like, what would need to change?

Are your hopes realistic, what steps are needed?

What are your goals for your child and family?

Goal for next month.

Goal for next year.


Babies are born with a reflex that automatically makes them want to suck milk, they are held and need to be offered milk regularly. In a child with typical development this develops over a few years to being able to independently eat a range of different foods and to enjoy mealtimes. For this to happen there are quite a few different areas that need to develop.

Social and emotional development

Feeding is a significant part of a child’s relationship with their parent and is an on-going process of shared understanding.

Predictable meal times which provide a positive environment with consistent expectations are really important.

Each family will develop their own rhythm and routine around mealtimes.


Henry: family mealtimes

Keeping mealtimes positive

Henry: creating relaxed mealtimes

Eating and mealtimes video

Physical development

Children will develop arm, wrist, hand and finger movements that mean they can pick up food and co-ordinate getting this to their mouth to feed.

They also need to develop co-ordination and movement of their mouth and tongue, biting food, chewing and swallowing.

How to support your child to develop their chewing skills

Advice for children who struggle with lumpy food

Mealtimes social story

Sensory experience

Smell, textures, taste and sound all contribute to the eating experience. This can be challenging if your child has a different sensory experience.

It is normal for your child’s development to have some reluctance to try new foods. You can support them by gradually offering new foods alongside safe foods. Children need to be shown that new foods are safe and fun to try through their own behaviour.

Overcoming a restricted diet

Exploring food with a restricted diet

Messy food play

Help for children who are extremely fussy eaters

Is something missing from this resource that you think should be included? Please let us know

Contact us


Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.

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