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Resource Type: Article

These resources have been made for children waiting for a community paediatric appointment. Who? They are aimed at children who are under 5 years old who have been referred due to concerns about their development or behaviour. Why? When children have differences in their development or behaviour it...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What is communication and language? Communication is how people interact with each other. Communication can be with words or face and body movements. Language is how we understand and speak words. Children develop language and communication in different ways. How do communication develop? From birth...

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Resource Type: Article

What are motor skills? Motor skills are how children develop movements of their arms, legs and hands. Fine motor is the small movements of the hands. Gross motor is the large movements of the body, arms and legs. How do motor skills develop? Movement develops through practice. Babies start moving...

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Resource Type: Article

What does sensory experience mean? We get information about what is happening inside our body and outside our body through senses. Our sense organs (eyes, nose, and so on) take information to the brain to be understood. Sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are senses for information outside the...

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Resource Type: Article

What does attention and concentration mean? Attention is the brain’s ability to focus on something for a length of time. How does attention develop? Attention is a skill that develops with practice. Giving something attention also needs motivation and understanding. Tiredness, hunger, being...

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Resource Type: Article

What are emotions? Emotional development is how humans learn to recognise and share how they feel with others. Developing this skill needs positive interaction and support from caregivers and lots of practice. How do children develop understanding of their emotions? Babies are born with lots of...

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Resource Type: Article

What is behaviour? Behaviour is the way somebody acts. Young children experience huge changes in their development, during this time their behaviour can be difficult for adults to manage. Tantrums are part of normal, healthy child development and are very common up to 4 years of age. Why does...

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Resource Type: Article

What is screen time? Screen time is the time that a child spends playing on, or watching a TV, tablet, phone or computer. Screens are used for entertainment and education and are currently used by most families. When children are on screens, they are less active. Screens do not support emotional...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Why do we sleep? Sleep is important because it helps our brains rest and grow. Everyone needs sleep to feel good and stay healthy. Sleep is made up of lots of short sleep cycles joined together. How does typical sleep develop? As children grow their sleep changes. A baby needs a lot of sleep...

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Resource Type: Article

What is physical activity? Physical activity is the movements that our bodies make every day. It is important for all areas of children’s development and helps bones and muscles to grow strong. Physical activity provides benefits to physical and mental health that last from childhood to adulthood....

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What are anorectal malformations? Anorectal malformations are birth defects where the anus and rectum (bottom) do not develop properly. They occur in an around 1 in 4,000 newborn babies and can range from mild to complex. What type of anorectal malformation does my baby have? Perineal fistula or...

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Resource Type: Article

What is a tongue tie? The frenulum is a piece of tissue that attaches the underside of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. A tongue tie is where the frenulum is too short or too tight. How common are tongue ties? Tongue ties happen in about 1 in 20 babies. What problems do… Continue...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What is selective dorsal rhizotomy? Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce tight and stiff muscle tone (spasticity) in the lower legs. It works by dividing some of the sensory nerve roots within the lumbar region of the spine (lower back). This may help to:...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

From your antenatal scans there are indications your baby may have oesophageal atresia which is usually with a tracheo-oesophageal fistula. This leaflet is to help you understand the condition and what will usually happen to your baby if they are diagnosed with Oesophageal Atresia, and are...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Your baby has been diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. This information is to help you understand the condition and what will happen after your baby is born and comes to Sheffield Children’s Hospital for treatment and care. What is congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)? The diaphragm...

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Resource Type: Article

What is pyloric stenosis? Pyloric stenosis is a condition where the opening from the stomach to the small bowel (intestines) called the pylorus becomes narrower (stenosis). It narrows due to the pylorus muscle thickening which obstructs the flow of the milk from the stomach. It is not known why this...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Your antenatal scans have indicated your baby has exomphalos. This is sometimes called omphacele. This leaflet will help you to understand the condition and what will happen when your baby comes to the Neonatal Surgical Unit (NSU) at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust hospital for treatment...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

My baby has been diagnosed with duodenal atresia This leaflet is to help you understand the condition and what treatment and care your baby will have at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust on the Neonatal Surgical Unit (NSU). What is duodenal atresia? The duodenum is the first part of...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

This information is to help you understand the condition and what treatment and care your baby will have at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust on the Neonatal Surgical Unit (NSU) and on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). What is oesophageal atresia (OA) and tracheo-oesophageal...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What is stoma re-feeding? Stoma re-feeding (also known as recycling) is the process of collecting stool (poo) from your baby’s functioning stoma (ileostomy or jejunostomy) and returning it back to your baby via their mucous fistula (non-functioning stoma). This may sound a little scary but...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

From your antenatal scans there are indications your baby may have a bowel atresia. This information is to help you understand the condition and what will usually happen to your baby if they are diagnosed with a bowel atresia (intestinal atresia), and are transferred to the Neonatal Surgical Unit...

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Resource Type: Article

What is gastroschisis? Gastroschisis is rare. About 0.04 per cent of babies are born with this. Gastroschisis is an tummy wall defect which happens when a baby’s tummy does not develop fully, and there is a hole to the side of the umbilical cord. Some of your baby’s intestine will have come...

Resource Type: Article

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Showing 1-22 of 22 results


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