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Some children have problems with how their bladder works. Their bladder may not empty properly and so clean intermittent catheterisation (CIC) can help with this. Your doctor or nurse will explain why we have recommended this for your child. It may be because they: were born with a condition that...
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Now you are a teenager it is time to start thinking about who will look after you at the adult hospital. It is important that we have time to plan this and for you to meet the people who will be looking after you in the future, so we do this in stages. You will… Continue Reading Urology...
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National Kidney Foundation information about nephrotic syndrome in children.
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Nemours Kids Health information about recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
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What is urotherapy? Urotherapy is a way of collecting information about how your bladder (the balloon that collects the wee) is working. Why do you need it? You might need urotherapy if you have bladder problems such as: wetting going to the toilet frequently needing to go urgently do not empty your...
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The penicillamine challenge is a 48 hour test that is done to check for Wilson’s disease. Wilson’s disease is a rare, inherited condition in which the body cannot handle copper correctly, and needs medication to remove the excess copper from the body. Your consultant will discuss the test...
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Information from the Sickle Cell Society
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What is meatal stenosis? Meatal stenosis is the narrowing of the urethra (tube used to empty your bladder). This can cause pain and difficulties with passing wee, and infections. What causes meatal stenosis? Meatal stenosis can be caused by: inflammation of the foreskin infections of the urinary...
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What is torsion of testicles? This is where the testicle (ball) twists on the cord it hangs on, like a conker on a string. The cord contains the blood supply and if it twists it causes the blood supply to stop. If the testicle is without blood supply for 6 hours it is severely affected…...
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What is a cystoscopy? A cystoscopy is where your surgeon looks inside your bladder with a very tiny camera. They can see what it looks like and sometimes see if there is something wrong in your bladder. They can also give you some treatments for your bladder to help you with your problems. They...
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A Medicine for Children resource about desmopressin for bedwetting.
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A resource from Medicine for Children about Oxybutnin for daytime urinary symptoms.
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A resource from Medicine for Children about how to give your child granules and powder.
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Your child may have been prescribed macrogol for their constipation. Macrogol laxatives may be sold under a few different brand names such as Movicol, CosmoCol or Laxido. How do I give my child macrogol? Sachets are packed in pairs. Tear down the perforation, and pour 1 sachet into a cup. Pour in...
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The Children’s Bladder and Bowel Charity (ERIC) resource on how to prepare and use macrogol laxatives.
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This leaflet is about the use of Movicol for chronic constipation and faecal impaction (severe constipation) in children.
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What is an MCUG? A micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) is an X-ray scan that looks at the bladder, ureters (tubes that carry wee from the kidneys to the bladder), and urethra (wee tube leaving the bladder). We do the scan so that we can see what these structures look like and how the work. We...
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A pyeloplasty (kidney pelvis reconstruction) is an operation we do when your child has a blockage between the pelvis (main drainage area) and the ureter (the tube that joins the kidney and the bladder). For more information, please visit this infoKID resource. How do I know if my child has...
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What is urodynamics? Urodynamics is a test that gives us information about the layout or anatomy of the urinary tract but also gives us information about how it functions. It is a day procedure with no overnight stay. The test is in 2 parts: the filling and the emptying. It has to be done...
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What is vulvovaginitis? Vulvovaginitis is a common condition affecting girls between the ages of 2 and 7 years old, before starting puberty. It is inflammation of the vagina and vulva. Mild vulvovaginitis is common and some girls will have vulvovaginitis many times. In most cases vulvovaginitis is...
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What are the instructions for wound care and catheter care at home? Try to keep the dressing as clean and dry as possible. Don’t worry if it becomes soiled or smelly this is unavoidable, especially as your child will be on antibiotics and so may develop diarrhoea. If your child doesn’t wear a...
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What is a difference of sexual development? Some children are born with anatomy of their internal or external sex organs which doesn’t fit exactly into the category of girl or boy. Some of these differences can be mild such as hypospadias where the boys bits are a under-developed. Some of these...
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You may be new to needing urology care or you might be new to the area. Urology is about looking after problems with the kidneys, ureters, bladders and genitals. You will find lots of useful links about the investigations and procedures we can do. Who is in the team? We are a mix of...
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Kidney stones are quite uncommon in children compared to adults. The meat of the kidney produces pee (urine) which then passes into a funnel-shaped drainage sac called the pelvis. From here the pee flows downward to the bladder along a tube called the ureter. The pee is stored in the bladder and...
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