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Resource Type: Article

Emergency, urgent, and trauma theatre list The EUT theatre list is for patients who need an operation very quickly. Your child has been added to this theatre list to have a procedure or operation under general anaesthetic. This means that they will be given medicine so that they are not awake for...

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Resource Type: Article

Will my child be in pain after the procedure? There is usually some pain or discomfort in the first few days after an operation. How much pain your child is in, depends on the type of procedure they have had. The pain may not be too bad straight away, because of the medicines and anaesthetic…...

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Western Bank
S10 2TH

United Kingdom

Switchboard: 0114 271 7000

Interesting Facts

We’ve got a special MRI scanner just for teddies so children can see what it’s like before they have a scan.

Help to transform our extraordinary hospital into something even better.


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