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ENT UK resource about surgery to the inferior turbinates (a turbinoplasty).
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ENT UK resource about sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps.
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ENT UK resource about sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
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ENT UK resource about septal surgery.
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ENT UK resource about intracapsular tonsillectomy for children.
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ENT UK resource helping you decide about tonsil surgery for your child.
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What is a finger fracture? The fingers are made up of several small bones and each of these is called a phalanx. A fracture can also be called a broken bone. A fracture of your finger is a common injury which can be caused by direct trauma, crush or a twisting injury. How should it… Continue...
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This resource explains what to expect after a tongue tie release procedure and how to care for your baby. If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to your midwife, health visitor or a member of your local infant feeding team. Healing The mouth heals very quickly, and is helped...
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What is torsion of testicles? This is where the testicle (ball) twists on the cord it hangs on, like a conker on a string. The cord contains the blood supply and if it twists it causes the blood supply to stop. If the testicle is without blood supply for 6 hours it is severely affected…...
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This resource is for children who have been offered surgery for their kyphosis. Your child’s surgeon will go through all the information in this document in clinic during the consent process. This will hopefully help you understand the terms used and allow you to think of any questions before...
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What are anorectal malformations? Anorectal malformations are birth defects where the anus and rectum (bottom) do not develop properly. They occur in an around 1 in 4,000 newborn babies and can range from mild to complex. What type of anorectal malformation does my baby have? Perineal fistula or...
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Fasting Why can’t my child have anything to eat or drink before the operation? It is important for your child to have an empty stomach before going for surgery, as if there is food or liquid in the stomach during the anaesthetic, it could come up into the back of the throat and damage...
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Children’s Orthopaedic surgery has many benefits but there is no certain way to predict the outcome of surgery or treatment. The following are some of the recognised complications and risks of any Orthopaedic treatment. There may be others but they are very rare. Complications related to the bone...
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What are prominent ears? Prominent ears are when the ears ‘stick out’. These photographs before and after surgery give an idea of what this means. How are they treated? Various different surgical procedures may be used to correct ears which ‘stick out’. This depends upon the...
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What is the tympanic membrane? The ‘tympanic membrane’ is the eardrum. It is a partition between the external ear canal and the middle ear. The middle ear is an air-filled space containing three important ear bones. Sound reaching the ear drum vibrates the ear bones and transfers the...
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What is an airway endoscopy or MLTB? MLTB stands for ‘microlaryngotracheobronchoscopy’. An endoscopy is a procedure which is performed whilst your child is under a general anaesthetic. It enables the ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon to closely examine your child’s upper airway...
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What is a tracheostomy? A tracheostomy is an artificial surgical opening into the wind-pipe (trachea) via the neck providing a channel for effective breathing (respiration) and the removal of ‘tracheobronchial secretions’, when circumstances make breathing impossible via the mouth and...
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The operation day What time should I bring my child to the ward? You will have received a letter telling you the date of your child’s operation and the time you need to bring them into hospital. If your child’s operation is in the morning you need to arrive at 7.45am if your child is…...
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The operation your child will be having is called a myringotomy (a tiny cut in the ear drum) to allow the insertion of grommets. Why is this needed? This operation is carried out mainly for a mild conductive hearing loss which will have been confirmed by your child’s hearing test results. This...
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This resource from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals provides information about Sistrunk’s procedure. This operation is performed in patients with a thyroglossal cyst to prevent cyst infection.
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Your child has been referred for spinal surgery. This resource will give you some information about the monitoring your child’s surgeon has asked us to perform. The surgeon will have already discussed the risks of surgery with you. What is selective dorsal rhizotomy? Selective dorsal rhizotomy...
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We are working hard to ensure that children and young people get the care they need as quickly as possible. While you are waiting, you can use any extra time in a positive way to help your child to be healthier before their surgery. This can reduce the risk of complications, support their recovery...
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We are working hard to ensure that children and young people get the care they need as quickly as possible. While you are waiting, you can use any extra time in a positive way to help your child to be healthier before their surgery. This can reduce the risk of complications, support their recovery...
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Why does my child need sedation? Your child needs sedation because they are due to have a procedure that may be painful or distressing. This could be something like cleaning and stitching a wound, or repositioning a broken bone. Sedation can make your child sleepy and relaxed and it aims to reduce...
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