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Thoughts and feelings make up a lot of a daily lives. Children and young people are developing their understanding of thoughts and feelings and this can be challenging. We have collected a set of resources to help families with emotional well being, ranging from finding ways to describe different...
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Everyone experiences the world differently, including how they process sensory information, such as light, sound, touch, taste and smell. Our senses affect our behaviour, physical activity and feelings. We have some resources on supporting children and young people who may have difficulties with...
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Sleep is an important part of everyone’s lives and we know that difficulties with sleep can make managing daily activities more difficult. This might include feeling more stressed, anxious, angry or unable to complete tasks. In families, if one person is struggling to sleep this can affect the...
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Children and young people often have times where adults may struggle with their behaviour. We have put together some resources on ways to support your child, while managing difficult or challenging behaviours
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A self-help guide from Anxiety Canada for managing OCD at home.
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What is a social story? A social story is a short story that has been written in a specific style and format. It describes what happens in a specific social situation or upcoming event. Social stories can also be used to support teaching new skills such as toilet training or dressing. Social stories...
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Daily washing and bathing These activities and environments can be difficult for a child with sensory needs. There may be small changes that can be made to reduce anxieties and upsets at these times. Smells This can have a strong impact on a child and make just entering the room difficult or...
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Sheffield Health and Social Care’s autism and learning disability service for moving on from school.
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What is the sensory service? The Sensory Service is a multi-disciplinary team based at the Ryegate Children’s Centre. We aim to help parent, carers, school staff and young people to have a better understanding of sensory processing and how this impacts on every day life. We provide information and...
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Form for parents and teachers to score a child on ADHD tendencies.
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What is a meltdown? Often meltdowns can be misunderstood as a tantrum. Tantrum When a child has a tantrum they are very aware of their surroundings and behave in a way to attract attention and a reaction from others for personal gain. Children will often shout, scream, throw themselves on the floor...
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What is neurofibromatosis type 1? Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common genetic disorder. 1 in every 2500 babies born will have a faulty gene on chromosome 17, which results in NF1. It may be inherited from a parent or it may spontaneously occur. Neurofibromatosis type 1 causes growths...
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What is the Mental Capacity Act and what does it do? The Mental Capacity Act is a legal framework around people over 16 years of age making decisions for themselves and what to do if they are unable to make the decision themselves. The Act sets out 5 key ‘principles’ that must be followed,...
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Children with developmental difficulties, for example autism, often have problems with eating. Research has shown that 40 to 80 percent will have problems with food at some point. This can range from children who over eat, to children who have restricted diets. As parents or carers, it may be really...
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What is the young persons clinic? The young persons clinic has been set up to make sure that you, as an individual, are prepared for the eventual transfer of your care to adult services. This information resource is designed to guide you through the process and point you in the right direction in...
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What is auditory processing? Auditory processing is the ability to break down speech (strings of sound) up into words, groups of sounds and individual phonemes. The problem is not with hearing, but with making sense of what you are hearing. What is it like to have an auditory processing difficulty?...
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