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The Belly Bugs stories about health, including healthy poos, avoiding junk food, meal diversity, balanced diet, and food and mood.
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The Eatwell guide The Eatwell Guide gives recommendations on healthy eating and a balanced diet. This guide gives details on food groups and healthy choices. It is not designed for those aged 2 and under. From the ages of 2 to 5 children should gradually transition towards this healthy eating...
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Keep calm and pumpkin on Avoid buying treats in advance and do not have them on display, however cute that pumpkin-shaped bowl is. Who knows what ghoulish fingers will be sneaking around? Trick your treats Halloween is not a race. You can save treats to eat over the coming weeks. Try a snack box...
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Is it OK to eat fast food? Trying to be healthy does not mean you have to avoid the places you like to eat with your friends and family. Simple swaps to the food and drink you choose will have a big effect on your energy (calorie) intake when you visit. Chain restaurants will often… Continue...
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What are SMART goals? It is much easier to achieve something when we have something specific to aim for. The best way to do this is by setting SMART goals. This stands for: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time specific For example, if you eat chocolate every day on the way home from school,...
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Why are rewards important? Rewards for children can be used for motivation and to encourage positive behaviours. They can be used to reinforce good behaviour, such as sitting at the table to eat, choosing healthy snacks or sticking to lifestyle goals. Rewards do not have to be expensive or time...
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Beat eating disorders are a UK wide charity who work to support those who are affected by eating disorders.
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SYEDA are an independent charity who provide non-judgemental support to people affected by eating disorders.
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Nutrition is important for our mental health as well as our physical health. Following a healthy balanced diet can affect your mood in a positive way. Eat regular meals Aim for little and often. Your brain needs the right amount of nutrients regularly so that it can function properly. The brain...
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Why does my child need Orlistat? Eating a healthy diet that is low in calories (energy), and staying active is the best way to lose weight. Orlistat is a medication that can help someone lose more weight than if they follow healthy eating and activity advice alone. It is still important to follow...
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What is meal support? Meal support means helping your child or young person emotionally during and around mealtimes. The specific aim of this support is to help your child or young person eat the food on their meal plan, whilst helping to redirect any thoughts or behaviours that might impact eating...
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Mental Health Foundation resource about the importance of diet and mental health.
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NHS webpage with links for information and guidance about eating a healthy, balanced diet.
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How can teeth be affected? Osteogenesis imperfecta Sometimes teeth can be brittle and chip easily (dentinogenesis imperfecta or ‘DI’). Teeth with DI are more prone to have decay and tooth wear. Very often children may need dental treatment. As bones are softer there is a higher risk of...
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The Eatwell Guide is a policy tool used to define government recommendations on eating healthily and achieving a balanced diet.
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YouTube video by Coeliac UK explaining how to read food labels for those with Coeliac disease.
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A resource by EMEESY Children’s Kidney Network about eating less salt.
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A Crohn’s and Colitis UK resource about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and food.
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A resource by the British Dietetic Association.
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A resource by the British Dietetic Association about salt.
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A resource by the British Dietetic Association about vitamin D.
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A resource by the British Dietetic Association about calcium.
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