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On average 2 students in every class of 30 have a neurodevelopmental condition called Developmental Language Disorder or DLD. Students with DLD can succeed at school when they are identified and access the right support. But first they need our help. From Raising Awareness of Developmental Language...
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This video explains and demonstrates how to use a communication mat with your child in an everyday activity such as gardening. Download: Gardening Sentence Maker Communication Mat Download: Gardening Shape Coding Communication Mat
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There are so many language skills your child can learn through baking together whilst having fun at the same time. 1. Teach new words Your child will have the opportunity to learn new words whilst you are baking. Remember to teach different types of words: object words (nouns) – start with...
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Resources for children and young people with DLD and their families. DLD summary RADLD Raising Awareness of of Developmental Language Disorder Speech and Language UK has lots of information for parents who have concerns about their child’s speech, language and communication skills. DLD and Me is...
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Listening to sounds Learning to listen and sort speech sounds is helpful for children who find listening or saying sounds hard. It is important that your child is able to hear the difference between sounds. It will help them to know when to use the sounds in which words. In speech and language...
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What is cued articulation? Cued articulation is a set of hand signs that can help children with their sounds. It is a system designed and developed by Jane Passy. There is one hand sign for each speech sound. The signs give clues about where the sounds are made. Cued articulation signs can help...
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Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) may have difficulties understanding spoken and written language. It’s often hidden and sometimes harder to identify than a difficulty with talking, but it is important to recognise as it affects a child’s learning and development. What do...
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From Speech and Language UK Here is how you can support students with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in the classroom. Did you know that DLD affects approximately 7.6% of all children (two children in every average primary class of 30) in the UK? Developed in partnership with NASEN and Whole...
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Why is giving choices useful? Giving choices can be a really helpful strategy to help children learn to make requests, and give them a little bit of control over their daily routine. It also gives us the opportunity to model some spoken language and for your child to link the language with the real...
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Did you know that DLD is predicted to affect 7.6% of children and young people in the general population? This is more common than autism, however, DLD is not as widely known about. What is DLD? DLD stands for Developmental Language Disorder. Having DLD means that you have significant, ongoing...
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A training video for parents, carers and teaching staff that explains and demonstrates how to teach vocabulary using word web questions in a treasure game. Time: 4 minutes Word Webs: Blank Level 1 word web Blank Level 2 word web Blank Level 3 word web 1 Blank Level 3 word web 2 A5 vocabulary...
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A training video for parents, carers and teaching staff that explains and demonstrates how to use sentence makers at a 2 and 3 key word level – ‘who doing’ and ‘who doing what’. Time: 9 minutes
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Did you know that DLD is predicted to affect 7.6% of children and young people in the general population? This is more common than autism, however, DLD is not as widely known about. What is DLD? DLD stands for Developmental Language Disorder. Having DLD means that you have significant, ongoing...
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A training video for parents, carers and teaching staff that explains and demonstrates how to teach new words using a word web. Time: 12 minutes Blank Level 1 Word Web Blank Level 2 Word Web Blank Level 3 Word Web 1 Blank Level 3 Word Web 2 Strategies to support vocabulary storage and retrieval...
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A training module on visually supporting communication for older children and young people. Time: 14 minutes. This training module refers to the following strategy sheet: Visually supporting communication for older children and young people
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A training module on supporting communication in emotionally dysregulated children and young people. Time: 16 minutes This training module refers to this resource page: Supporting communication in emotionally dysregulated children and young people
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A training module on talking about behaviour with a child or young person with communication difficulties. Time: 10 minutes This training module refers to the following resource page: Talking about behaviour with a young person with communication difficulties
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A training module on making things predictable to support communication. Time: 15 minutes This training module refers to the following strategy sheet: Making things predictable to support communication
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A training module on how to develop your child’s ability to talk about, understand and manage feelings with a focus on emotion modelling. Time: 8 minutes This training module refers to the following resource page: Developing your child’s ability to talk about, understand and manage...
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A training module on how to use drawing alongside conversation and comic strip conversations. Time: 14 minutes This training module refers to the following strategy sheets: Drawing alongside talking and comic strip conversations Visually supporting communication for older children and young people
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The core training modules as part of the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) series. Mind Your Words It is recommended you complete modules 1-5 of the ‘Mind Your Words’ RCSLT e-learning course before watching the 4 core SEMH training modules below. Mind Your Words Module 1-...
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A training video for teaching staff on how to use the sentence maker across the school day. Time: 17 minutes
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This video has been produced by Speech and Language UK. This video may cause some viewers distress so viewer discretion is advised. Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a lifelong condition affecting 2 children in every average classroom of 30 in the UK. Take action...
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This video is part of the Weekend Words series on YouTube and explains emotion coaching.
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