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Resource Type: pdf

Resource by the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund about Katie Bear going to the dentist.

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Resource Type: pdf

Resource by the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund about dental care for children with coronary heart disease.

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Resource Type: Article

Lots of children and young people find looking after their teeth difficult. This resource aims to give you guidance on how to look after your child’s mouth, particularly if sensory difficulties are getting in the way. Why does mouth care matter? Keeping our mouths and teeth healthy as children...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Why is oral health important? Children who have enteral tube feeds may have little or no food by mouth, but a clean mouth is still important. What common problems do we see? Sensitive mouth Calculus (tartar) build-up on the teeth Gastro-oesophageal reflux – this can cause tooth wear called dental...

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Resource Type: Article

How can teeth be affected? Osteogenesis imperfecta Sometimes teeth can be brittle and chip easily (dentinogenesis imperfecta or ‘DI’). Teeth with DI are more prone to have decay and tooth wear. Very often children may need dental treatment. As bones are softer there is a higher risk of...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Going home When your child is ready to be discharged to go home, final checks will be made by the nurses. Please make sure you have some pain relief at home before your child is discharged, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, as we do not routinely provide this. The nurses will tell you when...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Before arriving Where do we go? If you are attending for dental treatment, your child will either be attending Theatre Admissions Unit (TAU) or Surgical Assessment Theatre Unit (SATU). It will be on your appointment letter but if you are unsure do not worry you can check at reception at the main...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: pdf

A guide to looking after your teeth. Sprievodca starostlivosťou o zuby.

Resource Type: pdf

View: 1344

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Resource Type: Article

Unfortunately, waiting times have increased across the country. We are working hard to ensure that children and young people get the care they need as quickly as possible. While you are waiting, you can use any extra time in a positive way to help your child to be healthier before their appointment....

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Unfortunately, waiting times have increased across the country. We are now working hard to make sure that children and young people get the care they need as quickly as possible. While you are waiting, you can use any extra time in a positive way to help your child to be healthier before their...

Resource Type: Article

View: 2396

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Resource Type: Article

Teeth care for children and youngsters with neuromuscular conditions This information has been put together by the Neuromuscular Service at Sheffield Children’s Foundation NHS Trust and Charles Clifford Dental Hospital. We hope it will provide you with some useful information, resources and...

Resource Type: Article

View: 1292

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Showing 1-11 of 11 results


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