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Resource by the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund about Katie Bear going to the dentist.
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Resource by the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund about dental care for children with coronary heart disease.
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Resource Type: Article
This resource is information for parents and carers about patent foreamen ovale. What is a patent foramen ovale? A foramen ovale is a hole in the heart. It is necessary while babies are in the womb but should close soon after they are born. If it does not close, the condition is called patent...
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What is an echo? Echocardiograms (echo) are one of the most frequently used scans for diagnosing heart problems. An echo is an ultrasound scan of the heart. An echo lets us evaluate the structure, function and blood flow through the heart. Your child will need to lie very still for the scan so it...
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What is an ECG? An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a special test to look at the electrical activity in your heart, this is one through having some stickers on your chest. The results are shown on a screen and printed on a thin strip of paper. Doctors use the results to check whether your child’s...
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Leeds Congenital Hearts website
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Resource Type: Article
What is a heart murmur? A heart murmur is an additional noise made by the heart. It is usually a whooshing noise and can be picked up by a doctor when they listen to your child’s heart with a stethoscope. It is usually the sound of the blood finding its way around the tight bends… Continue...
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The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust resource on care for children with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).
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The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust resource on preventing endocarditis.
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Resource Type: External
This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain hypoplastic left heart syndrome and how it is diagnosed. How hypoplastic left heart syndrome is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and how it is diagnosed. How pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain atrial septal defect and how it is diagnosed. How atrial septal defect is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain patent ductus arteriosus and how it is diagnosed. How patent ductus arteriosus is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain supraventricular tachycardia and how it is diagnosed. How supraventricular tachycardia is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain double inlet ventricle and how it is diagnosed. How double inlet ventricle is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain tricuspid atresia and how it is diagnosed. How tricuspid atresia is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain transposition of the great arteries and how it is diagnosed. How transposition of the great arteries is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain tetralogy of fallot and how it is diagnosed. How tetralogy of fallot is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain pulmonary stenosis and how it is diagnosed. How pulmonary stenosis is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This Leeds Congenital Hearts resource helps to explain small ventricular septal defect and how it is diagnosed. How small ventricular septal defect is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain large ventricular septal defect and how it is diagnosed. How large ventricular septal defect is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain coarctation of the aorta and how it is diagnosed. How coarctation of the aorta is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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Resource Type: External
This British Heart Foundation booklet helps to explain aortic stenosis and how it is diagnosed. How aortic stenosis is treated and the benefits and risks of treatments, and more.
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Showing 1-23 of 23 results
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