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Resource Type: Article

What is behaviour? Behaviour is the way somebody acts. Young children experience huge changes in their development, during this time their behaviour can be difficult for adults to manage. Tantrums are part of normal, healthy child development and are very common up to 4 years of age. Why does...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Why have I been sent this information? Your child is waiting to be seen for a community paediatric appointment. This resource has been sent to support you to think about your child’s current needs and how you can support them going forward. Thank you for completing the survey which has identified...

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Resource Type: Article

This resource is about family based treatment with the Sheffield eating disorder assessment and treatment team (SEDATT). What is family based therapy? Family based treatment is (also known as the Maudsley approach) well evidenced as a treatment for anorexia. It is an intensive outpatient approach...

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Resource Type: Article

This resource is about cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with the Sheffield eating disorder assessment and treatment team (SEDATT). What is CBT? CBT is a talking therapy that can help yo identify how your thinking affects how you feel and how you behave. It is an evidenced based therapy for eating...

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Resource Type: Article

What is dialectical behaviour therapy? Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based intervention for addressing self harm and suicidal behaviours in young people. It was developed from cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and focusses on helping young people and their families learn skills...

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Resource Type: Article

A training module on talking about behaviour with a child or young person with communication difficulties. Time: 10 minutes This training module refers to the following resource page: Talking about behaviour with a young person with communication difficulties

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Resource Type: Article

This is an information sheet about the post-diagnosis nursing support for parents and carers of children and young people with autism. What support do you offer? If your child or young person has received a diagnosis of autism you will be offered access to further support, if you want it. We offer...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

This resource includes a variety of strategies and tips that will help further your understanding of anxiety. Diary Using a diary can help to organise thoughts and relieve stress. A diary has no limits, allowing your child to express themselves freely. Imagining a bucket of water Anxiety UK suggest...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)? Everybody has unpleasant feelings and problems from time to time. You may have difficulties with school, friends, family or something else. This is quite normal. However, sometimes people can feel ‘stuck’ with these feelings and problems. The problem...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: External

Sheffield Children’s resources on behaviour from the Child Development and Neurodisability team.

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Resource Type: External

Children and young people often have times where adults may struggle with their behaviour. We have put together some resources on ways to support your child, while managing difficult or challenging behaviours

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Showing 1-13 of 13 results


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