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Support for young people’s mental health

Urgent help

For urgent help, please contact:

  • CAMHS on either 0114 226 2348 or 0114 271 6540 between 9am and 5pm
  • Rethink Under 18 Helpline: 08088010612
  • Text: YM to 85258 for 24-7 support

In an emergency, please call 999, or go to your local Emergency Department (Sheffield Children’s Hospital if under 16 years of age, Northern General Hospital if over 16 years of age)

Community mental health and wellbeing resources

  • Sheffield Futures (SF) – provides support with community participation, health, wellbeing, life skills and progression, alongside youth group activities and so on.
  • Project 6 – the SPOT Youth Centre: Children and young people aged between 10 and 25 years old. Provides constructive activities for children in or leaving care in the Sheffield area. Includes socializing opportunities, trips during school holidays, decisions about meal menus and assisting with cooking, the design of the youth centre and how they run sessions
    • Drop-in: Monday 3.30pm till 7pm, Wednesday 4pm till 8pm, Thursday 3.30pm till 7pm at 646 Abbeydale Rd, S7 2BB
    • Phone: 0114 258 7553
    • Email info@project6.org.uk
  • SAYIT Youth Groups – LGBTQ+ or questioning sexuality group support for children and young people between aged 11 to 25 years old. Includes a range of social opportunities, support and activities including artmaking, film nights, games, quiz nights, guest visitors and the opportunity to speak to our team about any issues or difficulties.
    • Sessions are currently held online: – make a referral by emailing: info@sayit.org.uk with details of the young person & presentation
    • Younger Fruitbowl (11 to 14 years old) Thursdays 4pm till 6pm.
    • Older Fruitbowl (15 to 17 years old) Thursdays 5.30pm till 7.30pm.
  • Asperger’s children and carers together (ACCT) – community support for children and young people with autism. Current activities include computers, board games, Lego, art, outdoor fun, a sensory room. Sessions held in the Pavilion and Garden Rooms at St Mary’s Church and Community Centre, Bramall Lane: Saturday mornings between 9.45 am and 12.15 pm.
  • GROW – combines coaching with nature-based projects to help young people (aged between 16 and 24 years old) combat social isolation, boost their well-being and develop employability skills. Please find the online referral form here.
  • STAMP – STAMP (Support, Think, Act, Motivate, Participate) is a group for young people, (aged between 14 and 25 years old), which works to improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of young people across the city of Sheffield.
    • You can also contact Becks Batley (Project Worker) at either batley@chilypep.org.uk or 07812 496 066 for further information.
  • Epic Friends – offers young people advice and support on how to support friends who may be struggling with their mental health, alongside information about a range of mental health conditions.
  • Golddigger Trust – provides a drop-in service and online workshops, as well as groupwork and individual mentoring interventions for young people aged between 11 and 18 years old. Courses cover a variety of topics including self-esteem, managing emotions and gender-specific issues.
  • Family intervention service (FIS, formerly known as MAST) Sheffield – provides multi-agency support for children, young people, and families. Requires referral from an appropriate clinician.
    • You can phone: 0114 203 7485.
  • Sheffield SENDIAS – provides a wide range of Sheffield specific special educational needs and disability information, advice, and support, with a specific section on the website designed for children and young people to access.
    • You can phone: 0114 273 6009 or email: ssendias@sheffield.gov.uk
  • Sheffield Parent Hub – provides group-based and one-to-one parenting support for parents and carers of children, from babies to teenagers. Booking onto these is essential, and some programmes require a referral from a professional agency.
  • STEP Forward – Short term psychoeducation course provided by Sheffield Health and Social Care for children and young people aged between 16 and 25 years old. Requires referral by an appropriate clinician. The young person must be living in Sheffield and registered with a Sheffield GP.

Community support for those transitioning to adult services

  • Sheffield IAPT – offers online advice and resources, alongside a range of online and in-person courses for those who are 18 years or older.

National mental health and wellbeing resources and specialist support

  • Childline – Provides advice, resources and listening services to children and young people up until the age of 19.
  • Kooth – Online mental wellbeing support and counselling for children and young people aged between 11 to 24 years old. Support can be anonymous.
    • Live Chat is available up until 10 pm.
  • The Mix – A wide range of advice and support for young people aged under 25, alongside 1-2-1 chat and helpline services.
    • You can phone: 0808 808 4994
  • Door43 – Youth Information, Advice, Counselling and Support Service (YIACS) within Sheffield Futures for children and young people aged between 13 to 25.
    • You can phone: 0114 201 2800 email: Door43@sheffieldfutures.org.uk and follow their Instagram @door43_
    • Wednesdays Wellbeing Café: call 07815 698 447 on Wednesday mornings to book a 20 minute chat for 1-2-1 emotional support (available between 11am to 1pm or 2pm till 4pm.
  • Rethink – offers advice and guidance around mental health on their website, alongside a 24/7 helpline specifically for under 18’s who live in Sheffield or are under the care of Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust
    • You can phone: 0808 801 0612
  • The Samaritans – provide a 24/7 confidential listening service via email, phone, text, post, and chat, alongside a self-help mobile app and online resources.
  • SHOUT – 24/7 support via text, alongside resources and support for mental health and wellbeing.
    • You can text: ‘SHOUT’ to 85258.
  • Papyrus – dedicated suicide prevention support and promotion of positive mental health for children and young people.
    • You can phone: 0800 068 4141 from between 9am to 12pm every day, text: 07860 039 967 or email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

Bereavement support

  • Cruse Bereavement Support designed mostly for adults however there is some information relevant for young people
    • You can phone: 0808 808 1677 (Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 5.30pm), email: helpline@cruse.org.uk or live webchat (Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm)
    • Hope Again – is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Support. It is a safe place where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.
  • Winston’s Wish – support for children and young people (up to the age of 25) who have lost a parent or sibling
    • You can phone: 08088 020 021 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm), email: ask@winstonswish.org and free 24/7 text crisis support: Text WW to 85258

Bereavement due to Covid-19

  • Listening Ear: Free helpline for children and young people aged 11 and over
    • You can phone: 0800 048 5224 Monday to Friday from 10am till 5pm

Resources for young people affected by cancer

Eating disorder and body image

  • BEAT Eating Disorders: Resources and 1-2-1 email, webchat and phone support to young people with eating disorders, and those supporting individuals with eating disorders. Helplines operate from 9am till midnight during the week and 4pm till midnight on weekends and bank holidays.
    • Email: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk
    • Adult Helpline (for any concerned adult) – 0800 801 0677
    • Studentline (Students) – 0800 801 0811
    • Youthline (Under 18’s) – 0800 801 0711
    • Live chat
  • SYEDA (South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association) – information about eating disorders, and support and guidance for people dealing with eating disorders, or people supporting those with eating disorders.
    • Individuals over 16 years of age can refer themselves for support from SYEDA through their self-referral form
    • SYEDA offer a ‘Treading on Eggshells’ course for individuals who support someone with an eating disorder self-referral form.
  • SEDS (Sheffield Eating Disorders Service) – provide eating disorder support and treatment to people aged 16 and over who have a moderate to severe eating disorder.
    • Individuals between 16 and 17 years old can refer themselves for support from SEDS through their self-referral form on the site.
    • Professionals can refer by posting the ‘Professionals’ self-referral form which can also be found on the main website.
  • Eva Musby – Anorexia Family Resources provides a mixture of free worksheets and video resources, alongside signposting to further reading and workshops designed to support the parents and carers of children and young people experiencing eating disorders.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Managing and coping with self-harm

  • Self-Injury Support – phone, email, text and webchat support for young women and girls affected by self-injury.
  • Alumina – offers free 7-week courses for young people aged 14 to 19 years old struggling with self-harm, alongside advice and resources
  • Calm Harm – a mobile application that provides tasks and advice to help children and young people resist or manage the urge to self-injure. Based on DBT principles.
    • The application can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple Store.
  • LifeSIGNS – information and resources for children and young people struggling with self-harm. LifeSIGNS also provide an automated email help system, which has been designed by individuals with personal experience of self-injury.

Alcohol and substance advice

  • The Corner – drug and alcohol misuse support, can also provide a prescribing service to young people experiencing problems with opiates, and harm reduction advice to young people who are injecting drugs. Clinicians can refer to this service; however, this cannot be done without the consent of the young person.
    • You can phone: 0114 275 2051 (Monday to Friday) or email: thecorner.sheffield@cgl.org.uk
    • Confidential drop-ins between 1pm and 5pm from Monday to Friday at 91 Division Street, S1 4GE
    • Self-referral form
  • TALKTOFRANK – advice around drugs and substance abuse.

Neurodiversity resources

  • National Autistic Society – provides advice and guidance for people on the autistic spectrum and their families. Further help and support.
  • SAANS (Sheffield Adult Autism and Neurodevelopmental Service) – provides diagnostic assessments and post-diagnosis support for people with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and associated neurodevelopmental disorders (such as ADHD). This is an adult service; however, referrals are accepted for young people aged over 16. A referral form (available on the website) must be completed by a GP or other appropriate health professional. They also offer an online educational group for adults who have been diagnosed with ASD.
    • You can email: SAANS@shsc.nhs.uk or call an advice line service is also available on the last Friday of every month at 07976 689 227 between 10.30am and 1.30pm.

Children and young people with disabilities

  • Whizz Kidz: offers informational videos and support for young wheelchair users (aged between 2 to 25 years old)
    • Referrals for youth & community support can be made by the child or parent or guardian via the website.
  • KIDS – offers a wide range of special educational needs and disability information, advice, and support services, alongside supporting families with accessing support specifically around education and inclusion.
    • You can phone: 01482 467 541 or email: sendiassduty@kids.org.uk

Legal support and advice

Young carers

  • Sheffield Young Carers – provide online and face to face support for children and young people (aged between 8 to 25 years old) who care for one or more family members who have disabilities, long-term physical illnesses, and mental health difficulties. Also offer support to children and young people living in Sheffield who are affected by drug and alcohol issues within their family.

Homelessness and youth housing support

  • Roundabout – South Yorkshire specific youth housing charity. Works to support young people experiencing homelessness, unstable housing through helping them to develop long term independent living skills and supporting them with health, education, employment and training needs. Also offers emergency and medium-stay accommodation for homeless single young people.
    • Enquiries form
    • General Enquiries – 0114 253 6789
    • Roundabout Hostel – 0114 258 9829
    • Homeless Advice Helpline – 0800 193 5222
    • Homeless Prevention Service – 0114 272 8424
    • Doncaster Transitional Housing – 01302 370 757
    • Rotherham Accommodation – 01709 372079
    • Roundabout also offer a mediation service for 13 to 25 year olds and their families, which is funded up until next year. This requires a professional referral form.
  • Shelter – National homelessness and housing advice charity, with a specific section of the website designated for young people.
    • Emergency Housing Support Helpline: 0808 800 4444
    • Sheffield specific Shelter helpline: 03301 755 121
    • Sheffield specific Legal Aid support line: 03445 151 776
    • 1-2-1 chat available from Monday to Friday between 9am until 5pm, excluding Bank Holidays

Domestic sexual abuse and home life support

BAMER specific home life and domestic abuse support

  • Ashiana Sheffield –provides support for Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee adults, children, and young people around domestic and sexual abuse, including forced marriage, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, gang violence and ‘honour’ based violence.
  • Roshni Sheffield – provides support specifically for South Asian women within Sheffield, including advocacy support, emotional support and counselling, training, and learning opportunities. Has a specific ‘Young Women and Girls Project’ and provides a culturally specific counselling service for young South Asian women and girls aged between 13 and 25.
    • You can phone 0114 250 9989 or email: admin@roshnisheffield.org.uk
    • Advocacy drop-in: Mondays and Wednesdays from 9.30am to 12pm noon at 444 London Road, Sheffield, S2 4HP

BAME specific mental health resources

  • Taraki – Mental Health in Punjabi Communities – support and mental health resources for people of all ages with Punjabi heritage. Includes resources written in Punjabi
  • Open Minds Project – LGBTQ+ support for individuals with Punjabi or South Asian Heritage
  • Sikh Your Mind – Sarbat Da Bhala – For The Good of Everyone – Online support resources and helpline for individuals within the Sikh community experiencing mental health difficulties
  • Muslim Youth Helpline– Culturally sensitive support service for young Muslims offering free telephone, webchat, email, and WhatsApp support.
    • You can phone: 0808 808 2008 from 4pm to 10pm, every day
    • 1-2-1 chats
    • WhatsApp: 0808 808 2008
    • Email: help@myh.org.uk
  • Black People Talk – a range of resources designed in collaboration with Black people and allies to provide appropriate support and reduce mental health inequality.

Resources for refugees, asylum-seeking and newly arrived young people

  • Happy Group – Part of the CHILYPEP Rubric2 offering, this group provides support to refugees, asylum seeking, and newly arrived young people by forming friendships and integrating into local communities, alongside the opportunity to influence and shape the services they use.

Support for parents and carers

  • Family Lives – provides targeted information and crisis support to families.
    • You can phone: 0808 800 2222 or email: askus@familylives.org.uk
    • 1-2-1 chat from Monday to Friday between 1.30pm and 9pm
  • Gingerbread – advice and support for single parents
    • You can phone: 0808 802 0925 or email: peersupport@gingerbread.org.uk
    • 1-2-1 chat from Monday to Wednesday between 10am to 1pm, and Thursday 1pm to 4pm
  • Action for Children – provides parenting advice and support, and 1-2-1 chat with a parent coach

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Contact us

If you have any more questions or concerns, please contact:

  • Beighton Community CAMHS on 0114 305 3106
  • Centenary House on 0114 305 3218

or visit the CAMHS service website.

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Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.

Resource number: MH29

Resource Type: Article

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