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How to look after your voice It is important to look after your voice. Here’s how you can help look after your voice. Try not to shout turn down background noise, for example, the TV and car radio go up to the person you want to speak to instead of shouting downstairs or room to…...
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Here are some ways you can enable children and young people to communicate. Minimise distractions Make sure they are in a calm alert state and minimise sound and visual distractions. Give them time to communicate Provide enjoyable experiences to communicate about with willing partners and time to...
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Sleep resources The Sleep Charity has a phone line service that provides advice and support around difficulties sleeping. They offer a free helpline that is part of their extensive services, open 7pm to 9pm, between Sunday and Thursday. Sheffield Children’s paediatric sleep disorders nursing team...
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What is selective mutism? A child who is consistently not able to talk freely within a school or nursery setting may have ‘selective mutism’. This is a fear (phobia) of talking in certain ‘settings’, usually nursery or school, or with certain people, causing an unconscious...
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If your child likes bath time there are lots of opportunities for you to support your child’s communication as part of this everyday activity. You are likely to be on their level as you sit or kneel next to the bath and there are fewer distractions so you can be more focused on each other.…...
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There are lots of opportunities for you to support your child’s communication as part of the everyday activity of getting dressed.
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Supporting your child’s language and communication skills is something you can do within your daily activities. Whether you are walking to nursery or school, at the shops, soft play or the park there are lots of opportunities for you to use strategies to support your child’s language and...
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Mealtimes are a great way to support language development within your everyday routines. It is something we do a lot so it gives us many opportunities for practise and repetition and it can be motivating and rewarding for children.
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When your child is playing at home there are lots of strategies that you can try to help support their communication and help with their talking.
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Introduction People with a learning disability may communicate in a range of different ways. Some people use spoken language, some people may communicate in other ways, such as signing, objects, pictures, facial expressions, or body language. Often, it is a combination of all of these. Lots of...
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What is the Phonology Clinic? The Phonology clinic is for children over 4 years 3 months who are having difficulties with speech sounds. Children on this pathway are seen in clinic, so you might need to take your child out of school for these appointments. Schools are fine with this but might want...
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What is playing together? Playing together is an early years pathway in the Sheffield speech and language therapy service. It is a block of up to 4 appointments. During playing together sessions, we talk to parents and carers about different strategies to try with your child. These are practical...
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What is the Speech and Language Therapy Nursery pathway? This pathway aims to support your child’s speech, language and communication skills by providing assessment and advice into their childcare setting. A speech and language therapist will be in touch within 12 weeks of your child being...
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What is the Language and Speech-sounds Groups Pathway? Sheffield Children’s Hospital Speech and Language Therapy service provides blocks of sessions to small groups of children and their parents/carers. These groups demonstrate strategies and activities, which parents and carers can carry on...
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What is the parent and child interaction (PCI) pathway? This pathway aims to support children’s speech, language and communication skills by coaching parents in the use of effective strategies to use in their interactions with their child. PCI workshop When your child is referred to the pathway...
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What is joint attention? Joint attention is the sharing of a moment between two people when they both know that they are focused on the same thing. You might also hear the terms ‘shared attention’ or ‘shared/joint engagement’. This means a child can focus their attention on the person they...
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Before the appointment Please think about any important things you might want to tell us about your child’s speech, language or communication skills. If you have examples of your child’s speech or communication, you might want to write them down to bring along to the appointment. It can be a...
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Social communication Children of this age will probably be using facial expressions to communicate how they feel and use eye contact and looking as a way of interacting. They should start to show more interest in sharing in activities like a toy, a book or a physical game, with another person for...
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By 2 years old children should be building on their earlier skills of looking, reaching, pointing and using facial expressions. They can also enjoy sharing interactions with others for longer periods of time. The words they understand and use should continue to grow, with short sentences emerging...
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This is a huge year for development and your baby will be growing and changing in so many ways. Here are some of the communication skills you can expect to see over the first year. Social communication Throughout their first year of life babies become more interested in others and recognise people...
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By 3 years old we would typically see children showing awareness of and interest in adults and other children. They should be able to understand and follow daily routines and instructions, and be putting words together to ask for things, answer questions and tell people about things. Social...
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Comprehension monitoring means checking that a child has the ability to be aware of when they do not understand information or instructions given to them. Once they are aware they need to realise that they need to ask for help to be able to understand. All children can benefit from being given or...
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How does commenting work? Language difficulties are nobody’s fault but changing the way you talk can really help your child. In play and every day activities, simply talk about what your child is doing. When playing together, try and change from giving your child instructions and asking them...
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