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I am coming to Ryegate to get my weight and height measured. Sometimes people need to have their weight and height measured. There are lots of reasons people need their weight and height measured. One reason is to check that I am growing. There might be other reasons too. This will give healthcare...
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I am going to Ryegate Children’s Centre for a psychology appointment. My parent or carer will come with me. When we get to Ryegate for the appointment, we will go to reception. My parent or carer will let the receptionist know I am here. The receptionist will let the psychologist know that I am...
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I am having a psychology video appointment. My psychology video appointment will be on Attend Anywhere. Attend Anywhere is a computer programme to help people to talk to each other when meeting in person is difficult. It is similar to Zoom, Skype and a WhatsApp call. We can hear and see the people...
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I am coming to Ryegate for a cognitive assessment. A cognitive assessment is puzzles and quizzes for children or young people. It is not like a school test. Lots of children come to Ryegate for a cognitive assessment. I will do the cognitive assessment with a psychologist. Doing a cognitive...
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I am going to Ryegate Children’s Centre for a Qb appointment. My parent or carer will come with me. I might not know what a Qb test is. This is OK. A Qb test is an activity on a computer. It will measure how easy it is for me to concentrate. Lots of children come… Continue Reading Qb...
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I am coming to the hospital for a blood test. Sometimes people need to have blood tests. A blood test means taking a very small amount of blood so doctors can examine it using special equipment. There are lots of different reasons why people have blood tests. I will go to the Children’s Hospital...
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I am coming to Ryegate for a blood test. Sometimes people need to have blood tests. A blood test means taking a very small amount of blood so doctors can examine it using special equipment. There are lots of different reasons why people have blood tests. My doctor at Ryegate might ask me to...
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Narcolepsy is a chronic condition that effects the sleep-wake cycles. Sleep is crucial for physical, emotional wellbeing and cognitive functioning, so narcolepsy impacts many parts of a persons life. Narcolepsy significantly impacts on the quality of night-time sleep leading to excessive daytime...
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Research tells us that play and connection is very important during a child’s hospitalisation. It helps with their boredom, and can distract them from uncomfortable things that they may not be used to that happen in hospital. It can be really hard to think of things to together when you do not...
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The exercises in this booklet will be great to use with your child in many different situations. They can be done as part of their bedtime routine, before a hospital appointment, or during a procedure – anytime you feel appropriate. There is no right answer about when is the best time to do them....
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This resource is for all parents, carers, children and young adults that visit Sheffield Children’s Hospital. We recognise that entering a hospital can be a uncomfortable experience and it is common to lose structure in your day and forget your regular routine. With this resource, we hope to offer...
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Coming to the hospital, group interventions, an introduction to paediatric psychology, and long-term health conditions.
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What does having a learning disability mean? A learning disability is an overall impairment of intellectual ability causing difficulty with learning and everyday activities. It affects someone for their whole life. To diagnose a learning disability professionals need to show: impaired intelligence,...
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Feeling sad is a normal reaction. Everyone feels sad and low in mood sometimes but if these feelings persist and stop your child from doing their day-to-day activities this may be a sign that your child is experiencing depression. Expressing how they are feeling Help your child to express how they...
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Everyone experiences bereavement and loss sometime in their life. This is just the same for children. Remember that the loss of a pet or something else important in their life might affect a child just as much as the loss of a person. Explaining it Be careful with the language and explanations you...
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Here is a resource from the The Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP) about child and adolescent psychotherapy.
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The following links provide information for ways to live with and support an acquired brain injury (ABI). The information is provided on external websites run by brain injury organisations and charities. The following charities and organisations have a range of helpful resources. The...
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Different types of attention Managing attention is a key skill that is fundamental to everything we do. There are different types of attentional capabilities: Sustained attention Sustained attention is sometimes referred to as concentration. It involves focusing on a task for a prolonged period of...
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A National Child Traumatic Stress Network resource for parents and carers to help their child cope in the hospital after a traumatic event.
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Spending time with your children Try to make sure that siblings have some time where they get your full attention and get to spend time with you 1:1. It can be hard to find time for this when life is hectic, but even a small amount of time is valuable. Taking time to notice and… Continue...
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Promoting good self-esteem is important for everyone, especially children and teenagers. It is okay to be different Create an ‘it’s okay to be different’ atmosphere at home. Reassure them that everybody is different. That life would be boring if we were all the same. Point out your...
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Many children need routine in order to help them understand the world around them. This means that change and transition often cause them a great deal of anxiety. This could be a minor change, such as taking a different route to the supermarket or a larger change such as going on holiday or moving...
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A meltdown is best understood as a panic attack, where the child is completely overwhelmed, rather than wilfully naughty or defiant. Traditional discipline is largely ineffective for meltdowns, as the child is not in a state to learn anything. During a meltdown Try to keep calm and be aware that...
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It can be hard to manage executive skills, but there are a few ways you can help your child. General tips Create routines for your child’s day and week Use rewards to help reinforce positive behaviour and avoid punishing negative behaviour Model planning, organisational and time management skills...
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