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This resource explains what to expect after a tongue tie release procedure and how to care for your baby. If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to your midwife, health visitor or a member of your local infant feeding team. Healing The mouth heals very quickly, and is helped...
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This resource will tell you: what normal penis and foreskin looks like for babies and children how it changes as they grow up the problems that mean you should see a doctor Please be aware that there are illustrated images of the penis and foreskin in this resource, and are animated in the video...
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What is torsion of testicles? This is where the testicle (ball) twists on the cord it hangs on, like a conker on a string. The cord contains the blood supply and if it twists it causes the blood supply to stop. If the testicle is without blood supply for 6 hours it is severely affected…...
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What is a stoma? A stoma is an opening on the tummy where the bowel is brought to the skin surface and allows poo to come out. Your baby will need a general anaesthetic and an operation to have a stoma formed. The nurses and the doctors will explain this all to you in more… Continue Reading...
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What is an intussusception? An intussusception is a blockage of the bowel caused by a child’s gut folding in on itself. Intussusceptions usually happen in babies and small children. Intussusceptions do not usually have an identifiable cause, although they can sometimes occur if your...
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What is GORD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)? This is a medical condition where the content of the stomach (food, drink and acid) move back to the oesophagus (gullet). It is usually treated by medicines (anti-acids) but sometimes the if the symptoms persist, surgery is needed. What are the...
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What is Hirschsprung’s disease? Hirschsprung’s disease is a rare condition that causes poo to become stuck in the bowels. It mainly affects babies and young children. Normally, the bowel continuously squeezes and relaxes to push poo along, a process controlled by your nervous system. In...
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Surgical treatment The consultant looking after you has recommended a surgical treatment for your child. The options for both managing your child’s condition with or without an operation will have been discussed with you along with their potential benefits and drawbacks including those of...
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What are anorectal malformations? Anorectal malformations are birth defects where the anus and rectum (bottom) do not develop properly. They occur in an around 1 in 4,000 newborn babies and can range from mild to complex. What type of anorectal malformation does my baby have? Perineal fistula or...
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What is umbilical hernia? Umbilical (belly button) hernia is a defect or hole in the wall of the tummy at the belly button. This causes a bulge and sometimes the bowel or fat from inside the tummy can come up into the hernia through the belly button. What cause umbilical hernia? Umbilical hernia is...
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What is vulvovaginitis? Vulvovaginitis is a common condition affecting girls between the ages of 2 and 7 years old, before starting puberty. It is inflammation of the vagina and vulva. Mild vulvovaginitis is common and some girls will have vulvovaginitis many times. In most cases vulvovaginitis is...
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What are the instructions for wound care and catheter care at home? Try to keep the dressing as clean and dry as possible. Don’t worry if it becomes soiled or smelly this is unavoidable, especially as your child will be on antibiotics and so may develop diarrhoea. If your child doesn’t wear a...
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This resource is information for patients aged 12 and over. Why am I being asked if I might be pregnant before I have my operation, X-ray, treatment or test? We know that some tests and procedures put an unborn baby at risk of harm. These include certain X-rays, scans, operations and some medicines....
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Kidney stones are quite uncommon in children compared to adults. The meat of the kidney produces pee (urine) which then passes into a funnel-shaped drainage sac called the pelvis. From here the pee flows downward to the bladder along a tube called the ureter. The pee is stored in the bladder and...
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Kidney stones are relatively uncommon in children compared to adults. The meat of the kidney produces pee (urine) which then passes into a funnel-shaped drainage sac called the pelvis. From here, the pee flows downward to the bladder along a tube called the ureter. Pee is stored in the bladder and...
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What is a prepucioplasty? Prepucioplasty is an operation that is done when the foreskin is: too tight and causing problems abnormal and unlikely to stretch by itself It makes the foreskin opening larger so that the foreskin can go back easily. Why is prepucioplasty done? Nearly all foreskins start...
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What happens in the operation to remove an appendix? An appendicectomy is a common operation which involves the removal of the appendix. This may be performed by the ‘open’ surgery involving a cut, or a ‘keyhole’ surgery. All cuts will be closed with either glue or...
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What is the appendix? The appendix is a blind ending tube, which is connected to your large bowel. It is on the lower right side of your tummy. We do not yet know what the appendix does or is for, but we think it may help with maintaining healthy gut bacteria. What is appendicitis?...
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Tummy pain is very common in children. All children experience abdominal pain at some point. The pain can represent a serious problem but in about half of all children coming to hospital no issue is found. Doctors call this non-specific abdominal pain. Although the pain can be severe, in almost all...
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What is Hirschsprung’s enterocolitis? Enterocolitis is the most serious complication of Hirschsprung’s disease. It can be life threatening. Enterocolitis is an inflammation or infection of the gut. The large intestine cannot push poo through as it should which can cause a partial or full...
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What is an inguinal (groin) hernia? Some of the contents of the tummy protrude into a sac or tube forming a lump in the groin. In boys the lump often extends in to the scrotum. Often the hernia will contain a bit of bowel but in girls may contain the ovary. The hernia happens because…...
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What is a tongue tie? The frenulum is a piece of tissue that attaches the underside of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. A tongue tie is where the frenulum is too short or too tight. How common are tongue ties? Tongue ties happen in about 1 in 20 babies. What problems do… Continue...
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Unfortunately, waiting times have increased due to the COVID-19 social distancing restrictions necessary on the hospital site and because, during the pandemic, we have been providing extra support to other hospitals in the region. As a result, the number of patients we would normally see has been...
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