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Rheumatology research

This resource is intended to provide you with information about the Rheumatology Research Service at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and how to contact us.

Why do we do research?

The Rheumatology Team are passionate about doing high quality research to constantly improve the care we are able to provide for others like you.

What type of research do we do?

We do a variety of research work such as:

  • observational studies
  • interventional studies using new medications
  • new ways of using existing medication
  • research into new technologies

These studies can be a great opportunity for people to have access to new therapies as well as contribute to our long term understanding of them. We are involved in research into various rheumatological conditions including childhood arthritis and a wide range of other rarer inflammation conditions.

Conditions we are researching:

  • juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
  • juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM)
  • juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE)
  • polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)
  • vasculitis

What is an observational study?

This is a study that involves researchers collecting information about your normal clinical care from your medical records. This is useful to see how well different medicines are working for the condition you have. When we collect this information from many patients it helps us discover even more about these conditions and treatments. You can’t be identified by the information we take, only the research and clinical team will know you have taken part.

Sometimes we may wish to collect some of your clinical samples to help us with this. For example an extra teaspoon of blood when you’re already having a blood sample taken.

What is an interventional study?

An interventional study is where we may be trialling a new treatment. This could be a new medication, an established medication used in a different way, a device, website or new technology. Often these studies involve a bit more commitment and a designated research nurse working with you and your family.

What will happen when I take part in research?

At one of your routine hospital appointments a member of the Research Team may approach you about research opportunities.

You will be given time to read information about a study. We will then talk about this with you and answer any questions you have. If you want to take part you and your parents will then sign a consent form and an assent form detailing what you are agreeing to.

You can change your mind about taking part in research at any time. You do not need to give a reason and it will not affect your normal care from the Rheumatology Team.

Who do I contact for more information?

Contact the Clinical Research Facility on 0114 305 3136 and speak with:

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Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.

Resource number: RHM22

Resource Type: Article

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