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An ‘occupation’ is anything we do. It could be going to school, drawing a picture, or eating a meal. We are here to help children be as independent as they can be whilst doing whatever matters to them.
Our occupational therapists in the metabolic bone team are Jill Baker, Kieran Murphy, Nicola Holland, and Hannah Burn.
We offer our help based on the age and the ability of your child. Your child might need different things at different ages, or they might only need help with some of the things we have listed here:
Advice and support about:
If your baby or toddler has osteogenesis imperfecta (also known as brittle bone disease) you might find it useful to see our team’s specialist resources on:
If your baby or toddler has achondroplasia (also known as short stature) you might find it useful to see our team’s specialist resources on achondroplasia in nursery, and in primary school.
Advice and support about:
If your child has osteogenesis imperfecta (also known as brittle bone disease) you might find it useful to see our team’s specialist resources on:
If your child has achondroplasia (also known as short stature) you might find it useful to see our team’s specialist resources on achondroplasia in primary school, and achondroplasia in secondary school.
Advice and support for parents and carers for teenagers about:
If you have osteogenesis imperfecta (also known as brittle bone disease) you might find it useful to see our team’s specialist resource on secondary school.
If you have achondroplasia (also known as short stature), have a look at our resource on achondroplasia in secondary school.
We can help with all sorts of other things, and we work closely with the physiotherapists, so if you have any questions just speak to one of the team on your next admission or over the phone.
If you have any questions or concerns you can read more about what we do in the Paediatric Bone team, or contact the therapy office on 0114 226 7890 or
The Brittle Bone Society has lots of information on osteogenesis imperfecta.
Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.
Resource number: MBD26
Resource Type: Article
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We’ve got a special MRI scanner just for teddies so children can see what it’s like before they have a scan.
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