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My transition plan for occupational therapy and physiotherapy from special school

What is this information?

This information helps to explain how the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Service support your move into adulthood from early on, and what you and your family can do to prepare. It has been broken into sections – Ready, Steady, Go and Hello – so you to know what to expect and when. You can discuss with your therapy team who are here to help.

Ready - from Year 9

What happens now
  • You and your team at school will talk about if you want to leave your school at 16 years old or continue until 18 or 19 years old.

If the decision is to stay at your school until 18 or 19, your therapist may:

  • Give you websites to look at or written information
  • Refer to Sheffield Children’s Hospital’s complex transition team if there are lots of medical professionals supporting you, or they may refer you to the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals transitions team.

If the decision is to leave school at 16, in addition to the above, your therapist may:

  • Provide you with the Moving On leaflet.
What you can do
  • Fill in a Communication and Health Passport – This will help staff in medical places to help you.
  • You can discuss this form with your health professional. They can print it out for you. You can also discuss with your school and SENCO.
  • If you have a Learning Disability – Ask your GP for your Annual Health Check. More information is available at the Sheffield Directory.

Steady - from Year 11

If you are leaving school at 16, your therapist will:

  • either come to or send their advice on your therapy needs to the school for the Year 11 annual review meeting.
  • identify any access or equipment needs to support your placement at college (which may be completed during a visit to college).
  • identify any on-going therapy needs and how these can be met.
  • discuss the transition process with you and your family. You can ask any questions about the services you can move on to and where to get support. This includes which adult therapy team to refer you onto.
  • give you advice, including a leaflet, on managing orthotics yourself (for example insoles, splints, braces or helmets) when you leave school.
  • complete a Therapy Transition Passport with you – a copy will be sent to your GP.
  • continue to work with you and the school until you leave.
  • talk to you to ensure you know how to access therapy once you are in college.

If you are leaving school at 18 or 19:

  • You will be given advice, including a leaflet, on managing orthotics yourself (for example insoles, splints, braces or helmets) whilst still at school.
  • The therapist will continue to work with you and the school.

If we are making therapy decisions on your behalf, we will complete a Mental Capacity Assessment and a Best Interests form with your team.

What you can do: Review your hospital passport regularly in case your needs, preferences, contacts have changed.

Next steps at Year 14 

If you are leaving school at 18 or 19 the therapist will discuss transition processes with you at your annual review. You can ask any questions about the services you will move on to and where to get support. This will probably be the Community Learning Disabilities Team (CLDT). We will arrange a meeting with the team to talk about your therapy and plans for the future.

In the Easter term we will:

  • help you fill in the Therapy Transition Passport. A copy will be sent to your GP.
  • complete a referral to the CLDT. Copies will be sent to your GP and you.

The CLDT and your therapist might arrange a joint visit to help with the handover.

What you can do: Review your hospital passport regularly in case your needs, preferences, contacts have changed.

Go - ages 18 to 19

If you are leaving school at 18 or 19:

Your therapist will arrange a home visit to give you a transition pack. This will include:

  • Transition passport
  • CLDT information leaflet
  • Orthotics paperwork
  • Information about how to contact different services such as Wheelchair Services and repairs, Equipment and Adaptations Team

You will be discharged from children’s therapy services in the summer after you leave school.

What’s next

If you have been referred to CLDT you will be offered an initial appointment. This may take place in clinic, at home or over the phone or video call. If you do not have current therapy needs, your therapist will provide information on how to access therapy services if or when the need arises in the future.

Hello – when you’ve moved

Therapy services can feel a little bit different in adult services. You will not have a named physiotherapist or occupational therapist but the services work in a similar way to how you experienced it in post-16 at school; when you have a problem that needs a physiotherapist or occupational therapist you will need to ring up the adult team and refer yourself for an appointment. The therapist will then see you to assess what your need is and provide input as necessary. Once that problem has been resolved you will be discharged until you refer yourself again in the future.

Managing your therapy care once discharged from children’s services

You and your family will be in charge of managing your therapy care. When you have a problem that you think you need physiotherapy or occupational therapy for, you will need to contact the adult team and refer yourself to them. Your family can do this for you if you find this difficult. If it is the CLDT service then they will have some information about you already from us. You can use your therapy transition passport to help you remember some of the information about your therapy input from when you were at school. This will help your new adult therapist to help you.

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Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.

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