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Watch the nurse perform the first injection will help you to see the correct technique, the sites and also how to support your child during the procedure.
Injecting your child for the first time can be difficult both because it is a new skill but also because it can feel at odds with your usual role of protecting your child. These feelings are normal and some people find it useful to remind themselves how much better you are making your child feel by giving them the insulin that their body needs.
You will get the chance on the ward for you or your child to give injections with the nurses there to support and help you.
Please talk to one of the diabetes nurses if you would like further ideas for managing injection times, talking through and involving children in a way that is appropriate for their age, distraction techniques and using soft toys for role play are some of the strategies which can help.
The best place to inject is the upper area of your child’s bottom. This area has the most subcutaneous (fatty) tissue which means insulin is less likely to be injected into the muscle. Injecting into the muscle can be more painful and insulin is absorbed quickly and unpredictably.
However their tummy, upper arms and thighs are also options.
If your child is about to do some activity or exercise such as running or football, insulin injected into the legs will be absorbed very quickly.
It is important to move around the injection area and to change sites as fatty lumps (lipos) can develop if you keep using the same area. These lumps can affect the absorption of the insulin and lead to swinging blood glucose levels and poor control.
If you are unsure ask the diabetes team to help and advise you.
Remember to regularly check injection sites for lipos as ‘Lipos can cause Hypos’
Giving injections to your child may seem very worrying at first. Remember you are not alone, your diabetes nurse or a member of the ward team will be there with you at first until you feel you can manage this without their help. By using the following guidelines every time, it will soon become part of your daily routine.
Check that the insulin you are to use has not passed its expiry date. Once insulin is in use, it lasts for 1 month and may be stored at room temperature. Unopened insulin must be stored in the fridge.
Make sure that you give the injection in accordance with the insulin type and the manufacturer’s instructions. Novorapid, Apidra or Lispro is to be given as a bolus and is usually injected 15 minutes before food.
Long acting or basal such as Detemir, Levemir, Tresiba or Glargine insulin is given at a set time of the day and is not related to food. Your diabetes nurse will advise you on what you should do.
Children under the age of seven will usually need someone to do the injection for them. If your child needs an injection to be administered for them by a member of staff (school or hospital) or a carer, then a safety needle (BD Autoshield 5mm) is required to prevent needlestick injuries.
At all other times use of the shortest needle possible is recommended and these currently are 4mm in length. Talk to the diabetes specialist nurse about coping and distraction techniques which may help. If you have already tried these strategies an appointment with the diabetes team psychologist may help.
Always remove your needle after every injection to minimise the risk of accidental injection and prevent re-use of a blunted needle which will be more painful and cause more trauma to the skin.
Remember that fast acting bolus insulin should be injected into a different site to long acting basal insulin.
Your diabetes nurse will help you with the above and will be able to advise you in the first few days after diagnosis.
Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.
Resource number: DIA8
Resource Type: Article
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