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A learning disability is an overall impairment of intellectual ability causing difficulty with learning and everyday activities. It affects someone for their whole life.
To diagnose a learning disability professionals need to show:
As well as ‘learning disability’ you may also hear the terms that include:
Intellectual disabilities has not been as commonly used in the UK. It is has the same meaning as a learning disability and is used by some diagnostic manuals and professional bodies such as the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology.
Learning difficulty is generally used in educational settings to indicate difficulties with a particular aspect of learning (such as reading, maths, or writing).
Global developmental delay is usually used to describe delay in development in infants when they have not reached key milestones of development in a number of areas such as:
You may also hear the term general developmental delay, or early developmental impairment.
A person with a learning disability may experience difficulties with:
Being able to communicate needs and have meaningful interactions with others reduces frustrations and increases well-being. People with learning disabilities may have lost confidence.
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To ensure messages have been understood and prevent frustration.
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This will help to know what is expected, reduce anxiety and pick up learning. Building in breaks and fun prevents the build-up of stress and improves well-being.
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Everyone can be supported to learn positive behaviour. Children with a learning disability may struggle to know what behaviour is expected if not directly told.
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Gives a sense of control and independence. Preferences may change so assumptions can be frustrating.
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Ensures a child is not defined by their needs. Promotes strong self-esteem and wellbeing.
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Learning is likely to take longer and the child may need help to transfer it into different situations.
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A child is more likely to try if they believe they are likely to succeed.
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We all need to get something back. Some activities can be more challenging for people with a learning disability and more motivation may be needed.
There is always a reason for challenging behaviour but sometimes we may not understand it.
Like all children and young people, children with learning disabilities will continue to progress and learn throughout their childhood, but at a slower rate.
A child with a learning disability will not reach every milestone at the same time as other children of the same age and may never reach some milestones fully. This is because a learning disability is a neuro-disability. This means that thinking skills will always be reduced as compared to most people their age.
However, with appropriate understanding and support they can still make progress and achieve. Thinking skills are only one part of a person and everyone will have their own personality and pattern of strengths and interests, as well as needs. The level of support someone needs depends on individual factors, including the severity of their learning disability.
Rates of emotional and behavioural difficulties are much higher in people with learning disabilities than in the general population. Children or young people who have a learning disability are still aware of what goes on around them. However, their ability to understand and communicate their feelings and needs may be limited. Some children can become frustrated and upset. Life changes, such as new homes, changes in the family, new schools and puberty can be particularly challenging times.
Around 2 percent of the population have a learning disability, so there are many children and families with similar experiences.
British Institute of Learning Disabilities contains useful information to support people with a learning disability and their families
Contact a Family offers information and advice for parents of children with any special needs or disability.
Contact Family global developmental delay offers more information about the condition
MENCAP leading UK charity for people with learning disabilities
Foundation for people with learning disabilities
Bernardo’s disability and inclusion for disabled children and works with children from pre-school age to 16 years and over.
Sheffield Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice, a Support Service (SENDIASS) – 0114 273 6009
Sheffield Child Disability Register (CDR) statutory disability register for children and young people, up to 19 years of age, in Sheffield. Receive a unique CDR membership card and regular copies of our popular newsletter, “What’s Going On”. Email or telephone 0114 271 7626.
Sheffield Parent Carer Forum is an independent group of parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs. Telephone 0300 321 4721.
Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.
Resource number: LD8
Resource Type: Article
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