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Discharge home with a baclofen pump


Your healthcare team feel that you are ready to go home. This advice has been designed to give you all the information you need to take home with you. Please ask the staff if you have any questions.


Please keep this information safe after you go home.

Personal identification information

Your health speciality for ongoing outpatient care is Neurosurgery.

The consultant for your operation is:

Your NHS number is:

Your Sheffield Children’s number is:

Medical device

Your medical device is called a baclofen pump.

Implant details:

Date of surgery:

And is set at:

Your setting will be reviewed by the Neurology service at Ryegate, during your Ryegate outpatient’s appointment.

Discharge checklist

Wound checked and care discussed
ROS planned and discussed
Ryegate Outpatient appointment (OPA) booked
Decolonisation discussed and supplies given
Follow-up booked and discussed
Neurology CNS aware of discharge
Ticket home completed
Other professionals informed
Medical discharge
Nursing discharge

Pain relief

It is common to require some pain relief after an operation. Please follow the advice given at discharge. The requirement for pain relief should reduce as you recover. If more pain relief is needed please call Ward 5 for advice.

All medications are clearly labelled by pharmacy. Please follow these instructions closely. If you have any questions please ask. Once at home you can call the ward with any questions.


Your decolonisation plan needs to continue at home.

Please use washes and gel on the days below.

Day Date Wash Nasal gel

Special precautions

  • You can attend school or nursery when:
  • You can go swimming when:
  • You can play sport when:

Op note and ward round plan for follow up

When: Requested
With who:

When: Requested
With who:

When: Requested
With who:

Your appointments

Appointment 1

With: Location: On date: Time:

Appointment 2

With: Location: On date: Time:

Appointment 3

With: Location: On date: Time:

Please make sure that you attend.

Cannot attend?
If you cannot attend your outpatients appointment for any reason please call the department on 0114 305 3691.

This is very important. It enables us to pass the appointment onto another patient who needs it and rebook your appointment for you.

If you have emergency concerns please attend your local emergency department or contact 999 for assistance.

Wound care

Your stitches are absorbable

  • Absorbable stitches need to be kept dry for 7 days.
  • It is then important to wash the wound.

Your stitches are non-absorbable

  • Non absorbable stitches need to be removed.
  • Keep the wound dry until the stitches are removed.

Please keep your wound dry until:

You have stitches or clips that need to be removed on

Please attend on to have them removed.

Please change your dressings:

Please keep the head bandage on until:

Please don’t swim until all wounds are completely healed.

Signs of infection

If you notice any of the below please contact Ward 5 directly on 0114 271 7758

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pus or fluid leak
  • Wound hot
  • Wound pain
  • A high temperature

If you notice any remaining stitches after 3 weeks please contact the ward to have them removed.

Other professionals involved in your care

Liz Hinde and Jan Hardy – Clinical Nurse Specialists in hydrocephalus
0114 305 3214

John Preston – Advanced Nurse Practitioner
0114 271 7758

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

  • Wound care on 0114 271 7758 or 0114 271 7784
  • Neurology nurse specialist on 0114 305 3020
  • Sheffield Children’s Outpatients on 0114 305 3691
  • Ryegate Outpatients on 0114 271 7651

Further information

Is something missing from this resource that you think should be included? Please let us know

Contact us


Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.

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