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This resource has information about how to do a bowel washout for your baby who has been diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease.
Your baby has been diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease and is unable to empty their bowel adequately without help.
Hirschsprung’s is a disease of the bowel where some nerve cells are missing. Without these nerve cells, the bowel is unable to move the poo and gas through the bowel. This will make your baby constipated and prone to bowel infections.
Cleaning and clearing your baby’s bowel with washouts lets them feel well, comfortable, and feed and grow better.
The bowel washouts will help to prevent problems and prepare your baby for their operation.
A bowel washout must only be done if advised by your baby’s doctor . You will be taught by nursing staff how to do this.
A bowel washout means emptying and cleaning the lower bowel using a special tube (catheter) and saline fluid. A bowel washout involves passing a small tube into your baby’s bottom and up into their bowel. The saline solution flushes out the poo from the the bowel.
This can be done wherever is suitable and safe for you and your baby. The environment must be warm and draught free. The washouts can be done on a changing mat on a table or chest of drawers or, on a changing table.
Your baby must be supervised at all times.
For a bowel washout, you will need:
You will also need someone else to help you.
Water must never be used for bowel washout as it is easily absorbed by the bowel and may make your baby very unwell.
Bowel washouts must be done daily until your baby has had their surgery. No changes must be made unless advised by your baby’s surgeon.
If you at any time have any concerns about your baby or the bowel washouts, please contact NSU, as detailed below.
A possible complication of Hirschsprung’s is enterocolitis. If this is left untreated, it could result in your baby becoming extremely unwell. There are several signs which should alert you to the fact that your baby might be developing this complication:
There is also a very low risk that a bowel perforation (small hole in the bowel wall) may happen. The signs of this complication are the same as above.
Please contact NSU if your baby has any of these symptoms or if you are worried at any point.
If your baby becomes very unwell or their condition changes immediately call 999 or take them to the nearest Emergency Department. Give the medical professional the Hirschsprung’s information card and discharge summary you will have been given.
If after doing the washout your baby’s tummy remains swollen, contact NSU if your baby is well. If your baby is unwell call 999 or take to local Emergency Department.
If you are unable to insert the tube into the baby’s bottom or there is resistance, do not use force when pushing the tube in. This can damage the lining of the bowel. Try:
If these do not help, clean and dress your baby and try again 30 minutes later.
If you have tried all of the above and it is still not working, contact the NSU for advice.
If you are having resistance when syringing the saline, immediately stop, and pull back the tube back around 5cm and try again. Do not insert saline into the bowel under pressure.
The tube may be blocked with poo, remove the tube from your baby and check the end for a blockage. Flush the tube with saline whilst out of the baby to clear the blockage.
If the problems continue, contact NSU for advice.
If the washout does not flush out any poo, you may have to repeat the washout in a few hours. If your baby’s tummy remains swollen or they are being sick you must seek immediate medical advice by contacting NSU.
If your child is bleeding from their bottom or has blood in their poo, the tube may have irritated the lining the bowel. If there is only a small amount of blood you do not need to do anything. If the bleeding continues or there is a lot of blood, seek medical advice by contacting NSU.
If your baby has managed to pass poo without a bowel washout, still continue with daily washouts. Do not miss a daily bowel washout.
If the saline which you inserted by the syringe is not draining back out. Stop the bowel washout. Some fluid or poo should drain out each time. Contact the NSU for advice.
If you are having difficulty pulling out the tube, try to slowly, gently, rotate the tube as you pull it out. Do not pull forcefully. Contact NSU for advice.
If your baby’s poo is offensive smelling, an unusual colour, or has changed in consistency, finish the bowel washout if you are able to. Save a sample of the poo and contact the NSU for advice.
If you have any issues call NSU on 0114 271 7324 or 0114 271 7705 and ask to speak to a member of the continuing care team or the nurse in charge. They may advise you directly or contact the surgeons and ring you back.
If your baby’s condition dramatically deteriorates you should ring 999 or take them to the nearest Emergency Department.
You will be visited at home by a member of the NSU continuing care team within 48 hours of your baby’s discharge to watch you do a bowel washout and provide support.
You will have a minimum of a weekly review at home and also a weekly phone call.
You can contact NSU on the numbers listed above at any time, day or night.
Your GP and Health Visitor will be aware of your baby’s discharge from hospital. Please make sure that you have registered your baby at the GP before they are discharged.
Your baby will have a follow up outpatient appointment with their surgeon at Sheffield Children’s Hospital to review how your baby is doing and discuss further management.
We will supply the following equipment that you need for the bowel washouts:
You will need to provide a jug, bowl and towels.
If you have any questions or concerns, call NSU on 0114 271 7324 or 0114 271 7705 and ask to speak to a member of the continuing care team or the nurse in charge.
They may advise you directly or contact the surgeons and ring you back.
For more information, please visit our other library resources about:
Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.
Resource number: NSU23
Resource Type: Article
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