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There are a few tests your child may need at their Hearing appointment. The distraction test The distraction test is ideally used for babies who are developmentally 6 to 8 months old and assesses their ability to hear a sound and then turn to face it. The loudness of the sounds are varied to...
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Using hearing aids Slovak Ako môžem svojmu dieťaťu pomôcť s používaním načúvacích pomôcok? Zúčastňujte sa na všetkých stretnutiach v zariadení Hearing Services. Na všetky stretnutia si prineste načúvacie pomôcky. Ak sa nemôžete stretnutia zúčastniť, musíte nám zavolať...
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School children with normal hearing Slovak Výsledky sluchových testov vášho dieťaťa boli v rámci normy a nie je potrebné si objednať ďalšie termíny. Zostane sluch môjho dieťaťa normálne? Napriek tomu, že výsledky dnešného testu nepreukázali problémy, je možné, aby sa u...
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Preschool children with normal hearing Slovak Výsledky sluchových testov vášho dieťaťa boli v rámci normy a nie je potrebné si objednať ďalšie termíny. Zostane sluch môjho dieťaťa bezproblémový? Napriek tomu, že výsledky dnešného testu nepreukázali problémy, je možné, aby sa...
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Children with mild conductive hearing loss Slovak Dnes vykonané sluchové testy nám preukázali, že vaše dieťa má jemné poruchy sluchu. Aké sú dôvody – čo to sapôsobilo? Je to dôsledkom nahromadenej vody v strednom uchu alebo za bubeníkom. Je strata sluchu travlá Ide o častý...
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Ear care in Slovak. Dnes sme zistili, že vaše dieťa má v uchu ušný maz, ktorý bude potrebné zmäkčiť. To je možné uskutočniť pomocou olivového oleja alebo ušných kvapiek obsahujúcich sódu bikarbónu, ktoré je možné kúpiť v drogérii. Tieto kvapky niekedy zmäkčia ušný maz...
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Brain stem evoked response test under sedation in Slovak. Test vyvolania reakcie mozgového kmeňa. Upozorňujeme, že dieťa musí v preiebehu testu spať. Čo je test vyvolaný mozgovým kmeňom? Ide o test kontroly sluchu, ktorý je možný použiť u všetkých pacientov od novorodencov až po...
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Children with a permanent hearing loss, delayed development or children who fall frequently may be offered a screen of their balance system as part of their general investigations. Some hearing loss can be associated with poor balance. What causes balance issues? Your sense of balance is controlled...
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What is expected of me as a parent? You should make sure that: The hearing aids are worn for all your child’s waking hours If there is a faulty or lost hearing aid or ear mould you must contact the department immediately for replacements Your child attends all appointments in Hearing Services Your...
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Children with normal hearing in one ear only are able to access sounds in speech. Children with hearing that is normal in one ear only may still struggle to hear in certain situations, for example when localising sounds: locating which speaker is speaking in a group locating where a sound, such as...
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What are speech tests? When checking your child’s hearing and hearing aids we might need to do speech testing. This is not to test how they speak but instead how well they hear speech sounds. We may do this with their hearing aids and without. To do a speech test your child will need to…...
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When will my child be fitted with the BAHD? We order the bone anchored hearing device (BAHD) sound processor for your child and is usually kept in the hospital until it is safe for your child to have it fitted. If your child already has a softband BAHD we will use your existing hearing...
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Your child has been referred into medical audiology clinic. This is a consultation-only appointment and your child will not have a hearing test. What will happen at this appointment? The audiologist will talk about your child’s hearing levels and future audiological management. This might be...
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A conductive hearing loss is when sound cannot pass efficiently through the outer ear or middle ear on its journey to the cochlea and auditory nerve (inner ear). What is this due to? The most common type of conductive hearing loss in children is caused by a build-up of fluid in the middle ear,...
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Your child has had a normal hearing test today, and it is not necessary at this time to arrange a further appointment. Will my child’s hearing remain normal? Although today’s test is normal, it is possible for a child of any age to develop hearing problems. What should I look out for? Signs...
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Your child has had a normal hearing test today, and it is not necessary at this time to arrange a further appointment. Will my child’s hearing remain normal? Although today’s test is normal, it is possible for a child of any age to develop hearing problems. It is normal for a child’s...
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Your child has had a hearing test today which did not show conclusive results. This means that it is very important that we see them again in future for more testing. The clinician you have seen will discuss with you when your child’s next hearing test is due. How soon this needs to be...
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My baby has been referred to hearing services at Sheffield Children’s – what happens next? You will be sent an appointment to attend a joint clinic with audiology professionals and a specialist paediatrician. We are based at Sheffield Children’s Hospital on Western Bank on C floor, by the...
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Help for Hearing is a service for deaf and hearing impaired children, young people and their families. It helps them choose suitable environmental aids and technical equipment to use at home and in social situations. Hear Again The demonstration equipment has been provided by Hear Again. Hear Again...
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Listening tactics can be used for children with mild hearing loss, fluctuating hearing loss and for children who have listening difficulties. Your child may experience difficulties with: Following spoken instructions and conversation. Following fast paced speech. Detecting subtle speech differences...
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Hearing aids are an option to manage hearing loss for people who do not want to or cannot have surgery. This resource contains information about hearing aids to help you in choosing the right management option for your child. You will need to talk about the options available to your child with your...
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The newborn hearing screen is a screening test to identify babies with significant levels of hearing loss. Some babies may pass this test and still have milder levels of hearing loss, or a hearing loss only that affects some frequencies of sound. Your baby is being referred to hearing services at...
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What is sedation? We have arranged for your child to have sedation for a hearing test. Sedation is a when we make someone less aware of their surroundings. For this test we have found a nasal spray to be particularly effective. The drug used, dexmedetomidine, mimics natural sleep. After the dose is...
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What are microtia and atresia? Microtia describes when an outer ear is not fully formed. It can range from an ear that is just slightly smaller than the normal one to an ear that is substantially different. Atresia is the absence of a complete ear canal. The two conditions will often but not always...
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