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What is the most common side effect of treatment? The most common side effect that your child’s treatment causes is bone marrow suppression. The normal activity of the bone marrow is reduced. The bone marrow’s purpose is to produce cells, white cells, red cells and platelets. Following a course...
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This resource from the Blood and Transplant website shares more information on: Why is irradiated blood needed? Do all types of blood need to be irradiated? Does irradiation damage the blood?
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This information is taken from the NHS Blood and transplant website. This resource explains why you may be advised to have a transfusion of a blood component such as red cells, platelets or plasma.
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This resource has been taken from the NHS Blood and Transplant Therapeutic Apheresis Services Unit and has been written to give patients information about red cell exchange.
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These booklets taken from the NHS Blood and Transplant website gives information to your children about what to expect if they need a blood transfusion: Amazing You Amazing You is for younger children Voyages on the Microsub Discovery Voyages on the Microsub is for older children
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This resource helps patients to understand the importance of iron in the diet and what can happen if they have low iron levels. The resource has been produced in collaboration with the British Dietetic Association and contains information on foods that are rich in iron.
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This resource from the NHS blood and transplant website gives an overview of what anaemia is and the options of treatment which may include a blood transfusion.
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Information about cancer and support by the Macmillan charity.
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A collection of resources with information all about cancer by the Teenage Cancer Trust.
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A selection of publications by the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG).
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Information from Macmillian charity on cancer support, cancer information and support.
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Information and support from the Young Lives vs Cancer charity.
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Information from the Teenage Cancer Trust.
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Resource Type: Article
What is the Yorkshire Register? A collection of information about children and young people with cancer. Our register is only for people who live in Yorkshire but there is also one that covers all of England. Why do we need Cancer Registers? They let us know how many new cancers there are and where...
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What is the Yorkshire Register? The Yorkshire Register is a collection of information on children and young people who are diagnosed with cancer and certain benign conditions. It allows us to know how many children and young people are being diagnosed with cancer in this area. This information is...
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We know many children have sore mouths during chemotherapy, radiotherapy or following bone marrow transplant. Some also have ulcers and can find eating and drinking difficult. Occasionally children may have to come into hospital for pain relief and fluids. What is low level laser treatment? We use a...
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