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Measuring control in clinic We will download your blood glucose meter in clinic so that we can look at the results in more detail with you. You should also be able to do this yourself at home. We encourage all patients to set up an account with Glooko and download their meter on weekly...
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As a carer what do I need to learn? We will teach you: the basic information about diabetes and blood glucose levels how to measure your child’s blood glucose levels with a small meter how to give your child an insulin injection how different food affect blood glucose readings how to slowly...
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Measuring at home Your body works best if your blood glucose levels are not too high and not too low. This makes sure you get the most energy from the food they eat, meaning that they can play sports and do activities to their best ability, and concentrate, to their best ability. People who...
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Healthy eating for diabetes is the same healthy eating advice for the general population. You need to have a healthy balanced diet and we base this around the Eat Well guide. What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrate foods that we eat are broken down into glucose by the body and therefore raise the blood...
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What is GlucaGen® (Glucagon)? GlucaGen® is a synthetic version of Glucagon a natural hormone which makes your liver release its glucose stores and so raises the blood glucose (BG). It has an opposite effect to insulin. GlucaGen is kept in the fridge and the date needs to be checked regularly. Get...
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Your child will now be part of the paediatric service at least until the age of 16. During this time you will have regular contact with us either via telephone, home and schools visits or in diabetes clinics. Unfortunately there is no know cure for a condition like diabetes but if it is managed...
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Injection technique Watch the nurse perform the first injection will help you to see the correct technique, the sites and also how to support your child during the procedure. Injecting your child for the first time can be difficult both because it is a new skill but also because it can feel at odds...
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Insulin regimes The most common types of insulin regimes are: Basal bolus regime also known as multiple daily injections (MDI) Insulin pump therapy also known as continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) What is basal bolus or MDI therapy? This is managing the blood glucose levels with insulin...
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Sickness is an unavoidable part of everyday life. The body’s natural response to illness results in higher blood glucose levels due to the release of stress hormones. During illness, you will need frequent blood glucose monitoring and often more insulin than usual. What are ketones? Ketones are...
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Sickness is an unavoidable part of everyday life. The body’s natural response to illness results in higher blood glucose levels due to the release of stress hormones. During illness, you will need frequent blood glucose monitoring and often more insulin than usual. What are ketones? Ketones are...
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All people living with Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) are offered appointments every 3 months, and more often than this if they need extra support. They also are offered regular support in between appointments by their Diabetes Educator. Routine clinic appointment health checks HbA1c from a...
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Whether you have decided to take a holiday in the United Kingdom or are going aboard, the following guide should help to make the best preparations you can before heading off. Holidays both at home and abroad take a bit of planning so we have included a list of things you need to do before…...
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This guide is to help you and your family and friends recognise and treat low blood glucose or sugar in Type 1 Diabetes (low blood sugars are 3.9mmol/l and below). We will refer to it as blood glucose from now on. When should I call for help? You should call for help if: you or… Continue...
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We appreciate that being given a diagnosis of diabetes comes as a huge shock to most families. It can be a worrying and confusing time. The aim of this resource is to give you some information about the team, the service we provide and some information about what you might expect in the future....
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Now you are nearly 16 years old it is time to begin the process of transition to the young persons diabetes service at the Northern General Hospital (NGH). What is transition? The term ‘transition’ is used to describe the process of transferring your diabetes care from the Children’s hospital...
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You are probably reading this resource because you have a child with diabetes at your school or in your class. This resource offers a guide to Type 1 diabetes and how to manage it in school. Most children with diabetes have Type 1 diabetes which is managed by taking insulin, following a healthy,...
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What is continuous glucose monitoring? This is a system where the amount of sugar in somebody’s blood is measured automatically. The monitor checks blood sugar every few minutes and stores the data. This means that the person using it can carry on doing what they would usually do during the...
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