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What is ADHD provides further detail on what ADHD is. This covers symptoms and examples in school and home settings.
Requesting a referral for ADHD assessment tells you how to get an ADHD referral. You can also access questionnaires here.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – NHS this NHS page goes through key information about ADHD. This includes symptoms, causes and treatment options.
ADHD Foundation has information, tips and resources for coping with ADHD.
Diagnosis and management – NICE an in-depth resource which covers the diagnosis and management of ADHD according to NICE guidelines.
Dr. Russell A. Barkley – Dedicated to Education and Research on ADHD covers research into ADHD and also provides educational courses. Dr. Barkley also has a very informative YouTube playlist
ADHD and You contains a variety of resources to help understand ADHD in both children and adults.
The Local Offer is a way of giving children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support are available in the area where they live.
Multi-Agency Support Teams (MAST) work locally with children, young people and families to provide a range of services which help improve well-being, school attendance, learning behaviour and health care. Their workers usually work with families at their home or in school or at the local Family Centre.
Telephone: 0114 203 7485
The Sheffield Parent Carer Forum is a local parent-led charity. They bring together parents and carers of children and young people (up to 25 years of age) with disabilities or special educational needs from across Sheffield. Their aim is to support each other, share information and influence policy and practice.
Telephone: 0300 321 4721
Sheffield Parenting Hub run a range of groups for parents and carers that offer practical advice and support with parenting. They deliver programmes that are evidence-based and tried and tested. This means that the content is written by professional psychologists who have years of research into what works to manage behaviours and difficulties that we can all face as parents.
Telephone: 0114 2057243
Sheffield Support Grid is a locally developed guidance document for school staff and other professionals. It is intended to help schools allocate support to learners with additional needs in a fair, consistent and transparent way.
Sheffield Inclusion and Attendance Team offer advice and support to schools where children and young people are experiencing barriers to education (such as being at risk of exclusion or having poor attendance). The team works with schools to look at on better outcomes for children. Schools can refer through inclusion panels and parents can seek advice via email.
Email: sheffieldinclusion&
0-5 SEND Service (including the Portage Home Visiting Service) offer support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, their carers and education providers for children from up to 5 years and older. The service supports children who have complex needs to which there is a clear impact on their learning and development. Referrals are made by nursery or early years settings. Please contact your child’s provider to discuss a referral.
Sheffield SEN and Disability Information Advice and support (SSENDIAS) provides impartial, confidential information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities. It covers a range of topics including SEN, disability specific information, education, SEN statutory processes, available services, disability related benefits, grants and funding.
Telephone: 0114 273 6009
Twinkl offer lots of simple and easy to follow resources featuring activities on friendship, social situations, managing emotions, taking turns and common difficulties that children may face in day-to-day life. There are some free downloadable resources available and others need to be paid for.
Something Interesting for Brothers and Sisters (SIBS) host monthly activities run by Sheffield Volunteering and student volunteers from the University of Sheffield on Saturdays to give siblings a break and the chance to meet others in similar situations.
Telephone: 0114 222 8533
Sheffield Young Carers (SYC) offer support for children and young people who care for a sibling with a disability – even though they might not see themselves as ‘carers’.
Telephone: 0114 258 4595
Support for children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health Sheffield Children’s have compiled information and resources for supporting emotional wellbeing, ranging from finding ways to describe different feelings to managing ‘melt-downs’ when feelings become too overwhelming.
Gold Digger Trust is a Sheffield charity working to equip young people with the confidence and skills to make positive choices for themselves.
Telephone: 0114 327 1191
Door 43 offer support to 13-25 year olds on a range of emotional wellbeing issues. The service focuses on early intervention and low-level support and is not a specialist mental health service. They run wellbeing chats, a wellbeing café and time limited 1:1 support.
Telephone: 0114 201 2800
The Sheffield Mental Health Guide is an information website aimed at anyone who is struggling in Sheffield, whether they have been diagnosed by a clinician or are just having a bad day. Available 24/7, it is a comprehensive guide to mental health services, support and activities in our city.
Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community. Children and young people can access support directly.
Happy Maps is a website featuring a range of information and mental health resources for parents and carers and for young people and children.
Epic Friends is a website developed by Sheffield CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) to help young people to support their friends who may be having difficulty coping with their emotions or mental health.
Young Minds is a charity aimed at improving children’s wellbeing and mental health. Discover information, advice and support for young people.
Telephone: 0808 802 5544 parents and carers helpline
Understanding and managing behaviour These resources from Sheffield Children’s are designed to support you and your child in managing meltdowns, relaxation strategies and energy management.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is a charity focused on the needs of people with severe learning disabilities. It offers a range of resources offering support and information about behaviour and connected issues.
Support for sleep These resources from Sheffield Children’s provide some tips for helping children improve their sleep.
The Children’s Sleep Charity offer a sleep service which consists of a team of sleep practitioners covering parts of the UK who can offer help and advice on sleep issues.
Telephone: 0130 275 1416
Cerebra provide a sleep service offering 1:1 support, sleep workshops and information resources. They can give advice over the phone on your child’s specific sleep problem.
Telephone: 0126 724 4210
Sheffield Eating Disorder Assessment Treatment Team (SEDATT) A specialist service within CAMHS for eating disorders including Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). Referral is by GP, qualified social worker, educational psychologists, paediatricians and MAST panel meetings.
Sheffield Children’s Speech and Language Therapy is a specialist service to help children who have eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties including Avoidant, Restrictive, Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). Referral is by GPs, Health Visitors, school nurses and specialist doctors and nurses.
When it’s not just fussy eating is an article by a local Speech and Language Therapist and Dietician.
National Autistic Society: Eating This guide explores common issues related to autism and eating and ways you can help.
BEAT is the UK’s Eating Disorders charity and it has an information page about Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).
“Broccoli Boot Camp” book by Keith Williams and Laura Seiverling is a comprehensive guide for parents of children who are selective or “picky” eaters and can be used with children with or without special needs. It presents common sense behavioural interventions to successfully expand children’s diet variety and preferences for healthy foods.
The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity is a charity dedicated to the bowel and bladder health of all children and teenagers in the UK. They have a range of information leaflets and resources that will help parents, carers, professionals and schools cope with incontinence in children and young people, including those with additional needs.
Telephone: 0161 214 4591
Community Continence Clinic is a local specialist service for toilet training problems from age five, including children with special needs, after adequate input and supervision from their GP, health visitor, special needs or MAST support workers. Referral is by GPs, Health visitors, school nurses and specialist doctors and nurses.
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who is under 16 and has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability. They will need to meet all the eligibility requirements.
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.
Telephone: 01904 550055
Short Breaks Services for children and young people with disabilities. A short break is an essential part of a continuum of support for parent carers of children and young people with disabilities, by offering parent carers a break from their caring responsibilities or their usual routine.
Telephone: 0114 273 6032
We recognise that parents often need support for their own mental health and wellbeing. Many parents find valuable peer support through parent carer groups such as those listed above. You can also access support for your own mental health from your GP or through IAPT. The Sheffield Mental Health Directory includes information about mental health friendly services and activities across the city.
Some parents also identify as being autistic and may be interested in seeking an assessment for themselves. The Sheffield Adult Autism and Neurodevelopmental Service (SAANS) is a specialist service responsible for the assessment, diagnosis and post-diagnostic support of neurodevelopmental disorders in adults, including autism
Telephone: 0114 271 6964.
Please note: this is a generic information sheet relating to care at Sheffield Children’s NHS FT. These details may not reflect treatment at other hospitals. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professionals’ instructions. If this resource relates to medicines, please read it alongside the medicine manufacturer’s patient information leaflet. If this information has been translated into another language from English, efforts have been made to maintain accuracy, but there may still be some translation errors. If you are unsure about any of the guidance in this resource or have specific questions about how it relates to your child, always ask your healthcare professional for further advice.
Resource number: NDS23
Resource Type: Article
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