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Resource Type: Article

These resources have been made for children waiting for a community paediatric appointment. Who? They are aimed at children who are under 5 years old who have been referred due to concerns about their development or behaviour. Why? When children have differences in their development or behaviour it...

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Resource Type: Article

What is communication and language? Communication is how people interact with each other. Communication can be with words or face and body movements. Language is how we understand and speak words. Children develop language and communication in different ways. How do communication develop? From birth...

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Resource Type: Article

What are motor skills? Motor skills are how children develop movements of their arms, legs and hands. Fine motor is the small movements of the hands. Gross motor is the large movements of the body, arms and legs. How do motor skills develop? Movement develops through practice. Babies start moving...

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Resource Type: Article

What does sensory experience mean? We get information about what is happening inside our body and outside our body through senses. Our sense organs (eyes, nose, and so on) take information to the brain to be understood. Sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are senses for information outside the...

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Resource Type: Article

What does attention and concentration mean? Attention is the brain’s ability to focus on something for a length of time. How does attention develop? Attention is a skill that develops with practice. Giving something attention also needs motivation and understanding. Tiredness, hunger, being...

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Resource Type: Article

What are emotions? Emotional development is how humans learn to recognise and share how they feel with others. Developing this skill needs positive interaction and support from caregivers and lots of practice. How do children develop understanding of their emotions? Babies are born with lots of...

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Resource Type: Article

What is behaviour? Behaviour is the way somebody acts. Young children experience huge changes in their development, during this time their behaviour can be difficult for adults to manage. Tantrums are part of normal, healthy child development and are very common up to 4 years of age. Why does...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What is screen time? Screen time is the time that a child spends playing on, or watching a TV, tablet, phone or computer. Screens are used for entertainment and education and are currently used by most families. When children are on screens, they are less active. Screens do not support emotional...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Why do we sleep? Sleep is important because it helps our brains rest and grow. Everyone needs sleep to feel good and stay healthy. Sleep is made up of lots of short sleep cycles joined together. How does typical sleep develop? As children grow their sleep changes. A baby needs a lot of sleep...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What is physical activity? Physical activity is the movements that our bodies make every day. It is important for all areas of children’s development and helps bones and muscles to grow strong. Physical activity provides benefits to physical and mental health that last from childhood to adulthood....

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

How can I make a sensory friendly bathroom for my child? The image below shows ways which you can make your bathroom more sensory friendly for your child. Lighting Is the lighting too bright, dark or dull? Maybe you could add a night light or a dimmer. Temperature Is the temperature of the bathroom...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Balloon wipe This activity helps practising reaching, postural positioning and help to develop movement patterns. Attach 2 inflated balloons together, tying them together. Tape or tie onto back of a chair. Stick post it notes or stickers under and between the balloons allowing the child to stretch...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

Why have I been sent this information? Your child is waiting to be seen for a community paediatric appointment. This resource has been sent to support you to think about your child’s current needs and how you can support them going forward. Thank you for completing the survey which has identified...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: External

NHS England resource about children with learning disabilities or autism who are prescribed psychotropic medication.

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Resource Type: Article

Information about the products recommended by the Community Continence team. Prescription of continence products We will give you a few sample continence products depending on your child’s needs. This depends on an assessment of your child’s needs. Once we have all agreed on which...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: External

Encouraging good sleeping habits in children with learning disabilities, including bedtime routine, settling, timings, what to do if they wake in the night, crying, if they want to sleep in your bed, and daytime naps.

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Resource Type: External

Sheffield Health and Social Care is a specialist health service for people with learning disabilities, and their carers, living in Sheffield.

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Resource Type: External

Mencap advice and support that is right for your family – from the earliest years to young adulthood.

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Resource Type: External

Mencap advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with learning disability.

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Resource Type: External

Mencap advice on dealing with learning disability diagnosis.

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Resource Type: Article

Parenting a young person with a learning disability can be both rewarding and challenging. All parents and carers will go through periods where things feel hard to manage. If your child has a learning disability, this can add further complexity to parenting for several reasons, including issues with...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

How much water should my child drink? All children should aim to drink at least the following amounts of water or diluted squash, depending on their age: up to 6 years old should aim for 1 litre of water 7 to 11 year olds should aim for 1 and a half litres of water 12… Continue Reading...

Resource Type: Article

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Resource Type: Article

What does having a learning disability mean? A learning disability is an overall impairment of intellectual ability causing difficulty with learning and everyday activities. It affects someone for their whole life. To diagnose a learning disability professionals need to show: impaired intelligence,...

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Showing 1-24 of 62 results


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